I am currently in the process of migrating The Prosperity Project from it's current home here on Blogger, to a newer and hopefully better home at shirleytwofeathers.com. Here's a link to the new site: The Prosperity Project
As each project is moved, the links in each of the "Project Overview" posts will be updated, and each of the individual posts will also be updated with a link to it's new home. We worked a lot of projects here, so it will take some time to get them all moved.
On New Years Day, I plan to begin a new project to explore the concept of The Violet Flame I AM Decrees. Our countdown widget says that the New Year is almost here. So, if you happen onto this little place in the world wide web, and have an idea that you'd be interested in exploring the Violet Flame or the I AM decrees, be sure to check in on Jan 1. Bright Blessings!