Here we have the forward to the book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, it was written by Ed O'Neal in 1975. I thought it might be a good way to preface our upcoming project.
The challenge that faces all of us today is certainly one that is partly of our own making. Most of us consider it a problem and try to treat the symptom rather than the cause. However, a small shift in our thinking and that which seemed to be a problem is seen for what it is - a challenge - one that we can overcome on our own.
This challenge, which most of us view as a problem, is one of money.
First, let us define money. Simplified, it is a medium of exchange which saves us from having to barter our goods and services. Actually, it is much more than that. Faith, hope and trust are also a part of money, and there are many theories about its use and value. The practical and esoteric aspects of money occupy the time and talents of many people.
Here again, we will simplify - money is the teethmarks on the golden rule - do unto others as you would be done unto. The amount of money you get and accumulate is the measure of service you render to others. Another simplicity, several, in fact - "find a need and fill it," "what goes around, comes around," "cast your bread upon the waters" - there are many more. Don't get caught up in them. Seemingly they are simple. However, there are myriads of facets in those statements. Use them to stimulate your thinking, but not as a practice without understanding.
In this small book (and in our next project) you will find steps to follow which if you do so diligently, striving always for understanding and monitoring your actions objectively, you will walk right into the riches you deserve.
Wallace Wattles, spent his entire life working out the principles and actions found herein. Through trial and error and much study and thought he honed and polished his actions, and in the final years of his life, using these principles and actions, he began to manifest abundance in his life.
He was a pioneer and like the early trappers blazed the trails which became freeways, in this case, to riches. He laid out the groundwork - it is up to you to use the spade.
Is money a problem for you? or is it a challenge?
What is your definition of money?
What exactly does it mean... that word... money?