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Up and Running Once Again

Friday, January 30, 2009


Hi guys, Now that I'm feeling much better, we've got a great new project to explore. What with the economy being what it is, jobs being what they are, I thought this would be an excellent time to dedicate ourselves to the study of The Science of Getting Rich.

This nifty little book was originally published as a series of articles printed in The Nautilus, a little magazine popular in the early 1900's, a time when money was scarce and jobs were just as hard to come by as they are now. Daniel and I talked it over, and we decided to go through the entire book even if it takes more than our usual 30 days. I'll try to break it up so that it's not too much to read in one sitting, and at the end of each post, I'll be posing a question for us to think about and share our answers (or lack thereof).

Illustrations for this project will be desktop wallpapers of castles and other luxury homes and vistas as eye candy to help stimulate "big" thinking as we work the project.

Please join us as we do the work and investigate the principles and learn The Science of Getting Rich. Invite your friends and family along for the ride! Let's find out if it really does work!


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