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Car bagua

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Flower power for your car:

Cut a six-inch bagua shape in each of the eight outside bagua colors and cut a nine-inch circle in yellow for the center. Arrange them in the proper order and tape them together. The final configuration should look like a colorful daisy with a yellow center and different colored petals. Place this daisy under the mat of the car. The black petal of the daisy should be closest to the rear trunk, and red (Fame) toward the engine. Place this bagua under the driver's seat, or under the mat that covers the floor board.

Simply having a daisy (any size) somewhere on you (or in your brief case, shoe, or underwear) will assist you while on the road. Since this daisy is a complete bagua representation, it's hard to think of any place that would be inappropriate.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


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