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Motivational Thought For Today

Thursday, March 25, 2010

To reach a port, we must sail —Sail, not tie at anchor— Sail, not drift.

Franklin Roosevelt


Shirley Twofeathers said...

OMG! It's 2 hours later, and I'm still procrastinating! I must sail... sail... not sit in port at facebook... but sail into my commitment of the day!

Ok guys, here I go... day 3... meeting my commitment for the 3rd time in a row... really... right now... for sure... no joke... yes... now. I promise.

Karla said...

I need a motor boat...I think the wind is dying down. Actually, I came across another obstacle I didn't anticipate..sadness. Family is arguing and I don't feel much like doing anything wonderful. Why is it that there is a domino effect on negative energy too? Anyway, off to do my sit-ups despite the turbulant waters.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Ahh... sadness... I hear you on that one. When we're sad, we don't want to do anything wonderful... that is really profound!

I have been really sad ever since my little dog died, and find it is often quite difficult to push myself to do something "wonderful" or fun... Much easier to push myself to work too hard. Much easier to be miserable and tired! I wonder why that is. Seems like being sad would make a person WANT to do something wonderful instead.

And... today, I didn't procrastinate, not even for 10 minutes. I just came home and did my thing. Now that felt good!

Sudha said...

I did my thing ! :-) ...tho' it was rather late in the day by the time I finished...because I had to break in-between.BUT I did my thing and that's the point I guess.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Yes, Sudha, that's the point! And good for you!

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