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Prayers to Ganesh

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Prayers of supplication are requests, pleadings, or entreaties presented to the Diety in the spirit of personal surrender and loving devotion. Something specific is being asked for, a specific problem is being laid at the Lord's Holy Feet.

Such supplications to the one-tusked Lord are given unconditionally, with full trust that He will do what is best for us, though not necessarily what we might think is best...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Prosperity Project at, and can be found in its entirety here: Praying To Ganesh


Anonymous said...

How pretty. I think letting go of something is the obstacle to having faith. Faith seems to me to be the 'mover' or 'wind' in the flow of spiritual and lifely energy. I think dropping the load at the feet of Ganesh is very comforting, and sort of a loving way to give up the load. You know, the load of crap we all carry around and try to solve all the time....I so get this one. It does really weigh us down. I think Faith has a hard time taking hold of your sails and propelling you toward new good things if your anchor is in port worrying over the load of crap you cannot solve. Of good as this seems in writing....some of that crap is precious damn crap. You know what? I think the universe is vast and can handle whatever we throw into it...and bind it with the correct energy to balance it out. And somehow, it has you tagged. You sent it out there....good or bad, it will find it's way back to you. And as with all children, bring friends. Human people are prone to negativity, because negativity is controlling and hampered down and 'kept'.....the child in us, the innocence, wants to feel good, and be happy....but the adult says, be grown up, be sucks. we send so much negative crap out there and keep dragging it and it's friends around with us that we have a hard time just dropping it at the feet of anyone. It's our flag. So really, dropping all the worries at the feet of Ganesh is more than just a simple 'drag and drop' campaign. Maybe, that is why Ganesh is smart enough to work with a mantra. An autopilot for the cause, not allowing the negative energy to take hold. I like it. I think it could work. It has caused if nothing else, some fire of creativity in me. Which means that on some level, the peace has been balanced out. IF things are changing drastically...then I guess I will just fall down because that is just what I do. hopefully I will already be like, squatting, or something...and not fall far.

Anonymous said...

I love that phase.. "drag and drop campaign"... I think that what I like about the mantra is that it keeps my mind off of the hamster wheel in my head that keeps spinning and spinning and spinning.

Another thing I like is that Ganesh, Ganesh prayers, and the Ganesh Mantras have been utilized for this specific purpose for a really really long time by a lot .. and I mean a lot .. of people. That alone would give it power.

I want a little ganesh statue. so I can light candles, and make offerings, and have something concrete to focus on when I need something that I can see with my eyes and touch with my hands.

Anonymous said...

yeah, me too. let's look for Ganesh statues

Anonymous said...

Ouch Melissa!

Directly after sending a long email to my sister wherein I detailed for her almost (but not quite) every single one of my trauma dramas in the moment, I read your post about the "crap contest" .. I think I could win it actually..

So. you gave me something to think about. Maybe I need to drop that flag. Maybe I need to resign from my "crap contest" altogether.


Today I am going to print up a nice little poster with one of the Ganesh prayers and an image of Ganesh. Then I am going to take as many grains of rice as I have problems and drop them right there at "His Holy Feet"...

My problems are like grains of rice.. I just love that image. It might even be a Gypsy Magic spell in the making.

Anonymous said...

It took me a long time to get back here, as I have had no internet for a couple of days. However...I agree with Melissa. There is a lot of crapflag flying out there. It's part of us. Sometimes, though, we need to pull the flag down and change it, or do work to it. I know my flag spends a lot of time in the repair department, trying to become less craplike. We (as women, because men do not do this unless they feel more like a woman) tend to put everything out there that is going on with us because that is the way we go through things logically. We talk to our closest friends and are able to drop some of that load because we are (hopefully) not judged by that friend. We get validation that really, it is a crappy situaion and it's not just our imagination. We ask everyone's opinion before making a decision, and then make one based on 'gut' feeling and what you originally thought was right plus the thoughts of everyone else. So it's really personal and painful when things go wrong, and they often do. We talk about it to get through it. Whenever you meet someone new and in the first five minutes you know every small traumatic thing that happened to them in kindergarten that is a different thing. But, I think that God, or the God spirit, is in us, around us, hears our thoughts, feels our feelings because it is part of our energy. I think that the genuine spiritual connections and loving supportive tendency we have to listen with our hearts to the people we love and care about is an example of this God energy within us. We drop a little of the load, we take a little of someone else's, and it is a little of that Ganesh spirit that shows up without our trying to invoke it, and heals because it has the absolute power to do so.
I also love your idea about filling the space with something positive......that's really an important point that I didn't think of. I do love the rice idea, too, and the idea that you were able to leave the problems as insignificant, a grain of rice at the feet of God.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Michelle. Talking things over with friends and family is different than unloading on unsuspecting strangers. And if we can't vent somewhere -- well, I don't know about you, but I might explode.. really explode.. like blood and guts everywhere.. LOL..

I did a cool little gypsy magic/ganesh prayer thing - I put it in the comments of the "individual prayers" if you want to go look at it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about the monkey thing. I do eat a lot of bananas though...

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