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Lives are snowflakes
“Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one
another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I
mean, real...
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I am currently in the process of migrating The Prosperity Project from it's current home here on Blogger, to a newer and better home at shirleytwofeathers.com. Here's a link to the new site: The Prosperity Project
As each project is moved, the links in each of the "Project Overview" posts will be updated, and each of the individual posts will also be updated with a link to it's new home. We worked a lot of projects here, so it will take some time to get them all moved.
We are working on new projects beginning in Jan 2017, so come on by and see if there's anything you're interested in.
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What is this?
The Prosperity Project is the brain child of Shirley Twofeathers and Daniel Knirs. We were both going through some financial difficulties, when it occurred to us that we knew a heck of a lot of prosperity techniques, but we weren't really "doing" any of them. One idea lead to another (read more)
The Singer of Courage:In our lives we are often, even constantly, confronted with a new world, a new way of being in the world, a new way of seeing and of being seen. Ordinary living takes courage, and to rise above the ordinary into the extraordinary takes even more courage. One of the keys to courage is to consider the fear and find a way to let the energy of the fear itself power the action. That is true courage.
It's true... I keep thinking its "out there"... when I look "in here" all I see is chaos and fear...
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