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Let your thoughts flow

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Let your thoughts flow past you, calmly;

keep Me near, at every moment;
trust Me with your life, because I
am you, more than you yourself are.

~Bhagavad Gita


Anonymous said...

I was talking to someone at work last night about the "meaning of life" and she told me that she had recently read something that really resonated with her. It was that our "purpose" is to finally do that one thing that scares us the most, that one thing that is the most impossible and difficult, and then - having done it - to share the "how" we did it with others.

I have been thinking about it ever since.. and the one thing that is most consistently difficult for me is "trusting God"... confidence in the infinite goodness of the universe... knowing that I am "safe" in the world and safe in the hereafter as well...

Maybe this is why I am having so much trouble with this month's project.. I cannot seem to "feel" the "presense" within me... maybe because I don't "trust" it or feel "safe" in it...

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