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Hello Everyone

Monday, October 12, 2009

Well, it looks like I might be back from a long hiatus. I deeply appreciate all the good energy that went with me when I drove to Texas for my Dad's funeral. Thank you all so much.

My intention (before the trip to Texas) had been to do a project on goal setting, but I still don't have the "get up and go" for anything that's going to require very much from me - time, energy, enthusiasm - I need to fill that well before I can even begin to think about goals, much less embarking on a plan of action.

This morning, however, I came across a little book, called The Oculatum, and I think it's perfect for our next project. Here's the blurb on the inside jacket:

"It was first invoked during the great fire of 1666 that turned London to ash, spread by word of mouth, quoted in early pamphlets and almanacs, scribbled on paper and hidden in bricks. The Oculatum has been shared by generations who have discovered sanctuary and wisdom in its unique teachings since medieval times."

The teachings in the book are very simple, and delightfully short. I seriously doubt there is anything in this book that we haven't heard before. Sometimes, though, the simplest thing will have the most profound effect. So, how about it guys? Are you up for something easy?


Karla said...

Joy, oh joy! Shirley's back! Woo hoo! So happy to see you and EAGER to see what fascinating bits of wisdom you have for us with this new project. Glad to see you!

Pamela said...

Yes, can't wait for the details!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hi guys! Your enthusiasm is infectious! Now I'm excited too!!

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