From Joseph Campbell's book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, we have this nifty little break down of the 12 stages of being a hero. We will be exploring each one separately, and as we do, I'll link each one to the individual posts:
The hero is introduced in his ordinary world.
- Call to adventure.
- The hero is reluctant at first.
- The hero is encouraged by the wise old man or woman.
- Passing the first threshold.
- Tests and helpers.
- The innermost cave.
- The hero endures the supreme ordeal.
- Seizing the sword.
- The road back.
- Resurrection.
- Return with the elixir.
If you were making a hero's journey, what stage would you place yourself in right now? Can you think of other journeys you've made in your life? If so, is it possible that they break down into similar components? Is there a "hero's journey" you'd like to take? If so, what would that look like?
I'm thinking I'm in the "reluctant at first" stage, and hoping now for the wise old man to show up ASAP
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