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Wherever I go

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wherever I go, only Thou!
Wherever I stand, only Thou
Just Thou, again Thou! always Thou!
Thou, Thou, Thou!

When things are good, Thou!
When things are bad,
Thou!Thou, Thou, Thou!

~Hasidic song
photo by Don Paulson


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying the concept that I might actually be a Buddhist. One of their core beliefs is that life is suffering - and that life is an illusion. I had always thought that those two beliefs (which I share) were in conflict with one another. It is so comforting to know that there is a whole "belief system" in which I might actually fit.

What I like about this Hasidic Prayer is that it acknowledges "when things are bad"... So much of what I have been reading lately tends to flat out ignore the "bad" in favor of the "good".. I don't think we can have one without the other.

It would be really fun to find out what our other readers scored on that test.

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