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Mapping Happiness

Friday, June 22, 2007

Here is the "First Ever World Map of Happiness",
(if you click on the image it will enlarge).
For all the details you can follow this link.

What I found interesting is this, it appears that:
Healthy + Wealthy + Wise = Happiness.
It surprised the researchers too.

How about let's rate our own personal happiness on a scale of 1 to 5, (5 being really happy, 1 being really unhappy) and use this post to list those things that we would very much like to be happy about and grateful for by the end of this 30 day project. This will give us a good way to verify our results.


Anonymous said...

On a scale of 1 to 5, I think my current "happiness" rating is a 4. Being a "a buddhist" is really helping me, because everytime I have any anxiety or when I start to get freaked out, I just say to myself, "Oh that's right, I'm a Buddhist".... and for some reason that immediately makes me happy...

Plus I've been doing that little half smile and taking 3 deep breaths ... and that helps too.

The things I would like to be happy and grateful for by the end of our project are as follows:

1. I have managed to make satisfactory arrangements to get my property taxes paid.
2. There is plenty of food in my refrigerator.
3. Money is continuing to flow through me to ensure my basic needs are met.
4. My kids are OK.
5. My house is clean.
6. I am enjoying myself.
7. And last but not least, I have reached an agreement with Bank of America. (In other words, I talked to them instead of hid from them).

Anonymous said...

Healthy + Wealthy + Wise = Happiness.

Well, I have 2 out of the three, but I definitely am not happy...Even if I had all 3 and I ..something is definitely missing from the uequation and its probably a 4 letter word!

Cindy H said...

I would say I'm at about 3.5 (maybe a 4) on the happiness score currently.

The things I will be happy about and grateful for by the end of our month are:
1. Improved health/less pain.
2. Reassurance and a sense of peace regarding my finances.
3. Perfect divine order regarding my disability or employment status.
4. A clean house that is ready for me to talk to a realtor about.
5. Greater understanding of my new religious undertaking.
6. Less anxiety and more peace in general.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm at a 3.5 or a 4 on the happiness scale. I'm at a 2 or 3 with work and finances, but everything else is a 4.

I will be very happy at the end of the month when all of our past-due bills are paid up to date and we have $1,000 or more in our savings account. I will be really happy when we are no longer living paycheck to paycheck, but we are able to save money every week. And I will be ecstatic when our credit cards are paid off in full. I will be REALLY super fantastically happy when I have a complete 100-page treatment written for the story I'm currently working on.

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