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The First Insight

Monday, December 03, 2007

The first insight is that everything is a manifestation of spirit. Spirit is the state of being that gives rise to space, time, causation, matter, and energy. Infinite and unbounded, spirit contains the entire universe that we experience. Nothing exists outside it.

Spirit is the source of the whole chain of being, the whole of existence. The universe arises from spirit, is contained in it and ultimately disappears back into it.


Here are links to the Principle and Sutra Exercise for today (Monday). Also, here is a direct link to Hermetic Axioms that I have uploaded to Way Cool Quotes


Shirley Twofeathers said...

I wish that I would have learned this as a child instead of all that stuff about hellfire and brimstone.

And I wish that I had taught this to my children in a systematic way instead of haphazardly explaining, here and there, my opinions on the subject.

Wouldn't it be cool if this stuff was what we learned in school?

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