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The Sixth Insight

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The sixth insight states that there is a rhythm to everything. The life cycle provides a classic example: Conception is followed by gestation, birth growth, maturity, death, and renewal. All things happen in cycles. Sychronicity involves appreciating that the cycles and seasons of life are coordinated with the cycles and seasons of the cosmos. According to a Chinese expression:

"Spring flowers, summer breeze,
autumn leaves, and winter snow:
If you are totally tuned in
this is the best season of your life."

When you are grounded in life-centered, present-moment awareness, you are in touch with the Creative Intelligence that orchestrates the dance of the universe. When your rhythms are in harmony with the rhythms of the universe, synchrodestiny works its magic.


Here are links to the Principle and Sutra Exercise for today (Saturday). Also, here is the link to Hermetic Axioms I have uploaded to Way Cool Quotes


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