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Saturday's Sutra

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sutra Statements
for the Sixth Principle

Imagine that you are a shape-shifter



Imagine that you can be both masculine and feminine if you choose.



Imagine that you are strong, decisive, courageous, articulate, and powerful.



Imagine that you are beautiful, sexual, intuitive, nurturing, and affectionate.



Imagine that you are as stable as a mountain.



Imagine that you are as flexible as the wind.



Imagine that you are an angel with wings.



Imagine that you are an enlightened being with infinite compassion.



Imagine that you are a divine being of God playing in celestial realms.



Imagine once again that you are a shape-shifter, that you can become any animal, any bird, any insect, any plant, or even a rock.



Imagine that all the mythical beings reside in you, although there are some that are your favorite archetypes.



Imagine that you can become the heroes and heroines you most admire.

How to:
When you have an image of each statement in your mind, say Shiva-Shakti (SHE-vah SHOCK-tee), continue with each image until you have visualized each one and repeated the sutra. You can print out these statements, and repeat the statement and the sutra any time during the day that you feel anxious or stressed.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

I love the sutras and the sutra statements. They "sound" really good. But I am having trouble really "getting into" the spirit of it, I always feel rushed and so I tend to just blink through it.

This would be so cool if it was something I could listen to. Does anyone know how to go about recording something like this?

If we could record it as an MP3, I could upload an mp3 player to the blog, and we could listen to it instead of read it.

Alternatively, I could make a tape just for me, and if you guys wanted a copy, you could let me know. All I would need would be a cassette tape to put it on.

so... talk to me about this... OK?

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, today's Daily OM is on unlimited vision. Here's the direct link:

I love it when we are in synch with the Daily Om. It's like a confirmation from the Universe that we are on the right track.

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