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Tuesday's Sutra

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sutra Statements
for the Second Principle

Imagine that your spirit is not only in you but in all other beings and everything that is.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that everybody is a reflection of yourself.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that when you look at the universe you are looking at your mirror.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that you see what others see.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that you can feel what others feel

tat tvam asi


Imagine that you are the qualities you most admire in others.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that others reflect the qualities you cherish in yourself.

tat tvam asi


Imagine that you are a person in a hall of mirrors where you can see yourself for miles and every reflection you see is of yourself, but appears different.

tat tvam asi


How to:
When you have an image of each statement in your mind, say tat tvam asi (taht t'vahm AH-see), continue with each image until you have visualized each one and repeated the sutra. You can print out these statements, and repeat the statement and the sutra any time during the day that you feel anxious or stressed.


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