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Thursday's Sutra

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sutra Statements
for the Fourth Principle

Imagine that the whole universe is a vast ocean of consciousness, and your intentions shoot out from within your heart and ripple across the vast ocean of consciousness.

san kalpa


Imagine that your intention is orchestrating the infinite activity of the universe, counterbalancing the whole ecosystem.

san kalpa


Imagine that your intention can heal those who are not well.

san kalpa


Imagine that your intention can bring joy and laughter to those who are in sorrow.

san kalpa


Imagine that you can bring success to those who are failing.

san kalpa


Imagine that you can bring strength to those who feel weak and fearful.

san kalpa


Imagine that you can bring hope to those who are feeling helpless.

san kalpa


Imagine that your thoughts affect the natural forces of the universe, that you can bring rain and sunshine, clouds and rainbows.

san kalpa


Imagine that every thought you have, every word you utter, every deed of yours brings some benefit to the world.

san kalpa

How to:
When you have an image of each statement in your mind, say san kalpa (sahn KAL-pah), continue with each image until you have visualized each one and repeated the sutra. You can print out these statements, and repeat the statement and the sutra any time during the day that you feel anxious or stressed.


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