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Winding Down

Monday, April 21, 2008

We are almost to the end of our current project on giving. It's time to begin to take stock of the last 30 days so that we can share our insights and experiences, our opinions and our ideas with anyone else who might be tempted to work toward prosperity through giving.

Talk to me guys:

  1. Do you believe that giving is an avenue to prosperity?
  2. What did you give during the last 30 days?
  3. What did you receive in return?
  4. Is your financial situation improved? the same? even worse than before?
  5. Did you find this project to be easy? hard? interesting? boring? fun? excruciating?
  6. What else would you like to say?

I do have a few more posts on giving that I'll be sharing in the next few days. And I'm working on a poll so that we can decide what our next project will be. If anyone has any ideas of what they'd like to focus on, I'm all ears.


the gay bookworm said...

Got to say I found this the least inspiring project we have done so far. I think giving is a wonderful thing to do and that we gain so much as people by the act of giving. BUT I do not feel it is an avenue to prosperity. And in a way I don't feel like it is appropriate to even attach financial gain to giving. Giving should be from your heart because you want to, because you are inspired to, not because you hope to gain from it.

No I don't think my finacial picture is any different know than a month ago. I do feel that maybe my thoughts on giving have been focused but that is about it. I may have been more concious of giving, and receiving, this month but seriously not sure if I really gave any more than I usually do. Especially since I usually give as much as I can in every way. That may sound a bit self congradulatory but it is true.

Love and Blessings to you all.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

I believe that when I feel free enough to give what ever it is that I want to give, unafraid enough to give as much as I have and more - then I am in true prosperity.

My opinion on the subject is that giving as a means to achieving prosperity is doomed at the get go.

I do do a fair amount of giving - as usual - in terms of time and energy, ideas and opinions. I gave emotional support and what i could.

As for being on the receiving end. I have been blessed in a big way this month. I received a miracle healing for my dog, and a financial miracle to go with it. For reasons unbeknownst to me - I have been able to pay the vet bill and also my own bills and not only that, but it looks like I'll have enough money to go on vacation.

How it all came about, I have no idea! On paper, it's impossible, so I'm not questioning it too much.

My quest for guidance has been rewarded in a big way, and I feel much more at ease with my talents and my spiritual path.

That being said... this project was just ... excruciating for me. I wanted it to be over before we were even two weeks in. It wasn't as bad as the Million Dollar Experiment, I really hated that one, but close.

I think the biggest problem with this one was that the focus was skewed... I really do think we should have endorsed some worthy cause and drummed up ways to give to that... I think if we had done something like that, it would have been better all around.

Even though my results look good, I'm not sure if I can credit this specific project. I don't feel that I "worked" it very well, and please, let's not do it again!

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