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Loving You!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The ego has played many games over the course of your life. It has imagined that love was only attainable from outside of itself. It has spent thousands of hours in the hot pursuit of love only to find that love from the outside world seems to vanish like mirages in the desert. The only love that is sustainable is the love that is your natural inherent state of being, that which is flowing from within you.

In order to feel more of this love that is who you are, you may need to let go of limiting and contracted thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself. So many people have been led into falsely believing that something is wrong with them, and that they are not loveable. Therefore, they do not fully love themselves or others because their love vibration is obscured by these false notions.

The truth is that you are love, loveable, and so loved because you exist. It’s time to say good-bye to these old ego games, and embrace the divine love that you truly are.


I'm not sure where this came from, so cannot give credit to the author.
I love you - whoever you are - and I'm sorry.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

My own experience is that when I am feeling a lack of self love... when my self acceptance levels are way low... it is much more difficult for me to be accepting of other peoples faults and failures... I tend to get caught up in the drama... any drama... even drama that has nothing to do with me... much more readily when I am NOT liking myself very much. It seems to act as a distraction for my inner pain.

When I am feeling peaceful and happy with me how I am... I find it so much easier to be peaceful and accepting of those around me.

Those are my thoughts on the subject...

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