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Getting Started

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Before we get started with our newest project, I think it would be a good idea to make note of our goals and aspirations for the next 30 days. Here are some questions to consider.
  1. What would you like to accomplish?
  2. How will you know this project was a success?
  3. How are your finances right now today?
  4. Where would you like them to be at the end of the 30 days?
  5. Is there a project or a goal that you'd like to complete?
  6. What does prosperity mean to you?

I'd like to encourage every one to post answers to these questions. If you take the time to comment here today, it will be easier to log your success at the end of the 30 days of our "quickie" prosperity techniques. You can be as vague or as specific as you'd like.

As promised, here's our first desktop wallpaper. Click on the image to enlarge it, then right click and save to your computer. As always, if you have any problems acquiring the image, let me know, and I'll do my best to help.


Anonymous said...

Within 30 days ....
I am manifesting abundance and wealth easily and effortlessly every day, everything I touch is a success, I am vibrating to prosperity consciousness, I am at zero limits on money !!!!I am divinely inspired and guided each moment in increasing my income and financial wealth. I love money and money loves me. I am free, I am abundant and I fully realise I am loved and supported abundantly now and always.I act on my divine inspirations and attract all that I need. All that I need is always supplied, I am joyful happy and secure safe and at peace.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Erika... you've got me inspired now. I was going to post something about being able to pay my bills, buy food and gas, and stuff like that.


Within the next 30 days, I will be totally at peace and have no fear about my finances. I will be able to not only meet my basic expenses, I will also feel comfortable and free to buy the smaller and larger things that bring me pleasure because I will know beyond doubt that I am fully supported in every way.

It is my mote it be!

msvb19 said...

1. increasing my income to senior director
2. increase enrollments this month to win the $500 prize
enroll a director, make a director this month
5. fix visa card issue
6. money means safety and freedom to me

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Within 30 days all my financial needs and wishes shall be fulfilled. I will be secure in the knowledge that I can help those who come to me n need with no fear of how I will be able to afford it. Money will flow to me with increasing speed as I share it with others. I am filled with peace in the knowledge that my financial desires will be met.
As I will it so mote it be!

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