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What I Brought Home

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Has everyone done their homework? I'm hoping we have because this post is all about the "I saw a movie so now what..."

We've seen a movie, maybe we liked it, maybe we didn't. Possibly it really resonated, possibly not. It really doesn't matter, because it's not the movie itself that's going to help us live our lives more authentically, more heroically, more interestingly... it's not the movie that's going to do our "great work" for us. It's what we bring home from the movie, and what we actually do with what we take with us.

Because this is a blog post instead of a conversation, all I can do is share what I brought home along with some thoughts about what I might actually do it. I'm hoping that you will apply this same kind of thinking to the movie you saw.

Actually, I've seen three movies.... each one different... so I'm going to share snippets from each one, hoping that it will stimulate thinking, conversation, and above all... action.

The first movie I watched was Three Wishes. I didn't really get attached to the characters or the location, but there were a few things that really stuck out at me. One of them was the comment made about being an explorer, and how explorers are often lost... that was, after all, how Columbus discovered America. He got lost! This gives me a whole new slant on feeling lost in the mire of my life. I'm renaming it, redefining it... I'm an explorer... of course I'm lost! Wow. I feel better already.

The second movie I watched (have been watching) is Buffy The Vampire Slayer - the first season. So much fun! She really embraces who she is and what she does. I've got a lot more to say about that coming up soon. For now let's just say, if I ask myself  "What would Buffy do?" I ususally get the go ahead to jump right in and kick some ass. And it's not nearly as intimidating as Aragorn kicking ass because she's a girl... which means I have some more thinking to do about my perceptions of girls vs men vs heroes vs women vs me.....

The third movie I watched was Avatar. And it was so interesting because I felt like here it was... the place I was born and spent the first years of my life living in... and I've been trying to get back there ever since... I think the first step would be to reconnect with "The Mother" ... something I've already committed to, and now that I've seen the movie - it feels even more important, it's more of a priority.

So... there you have it! Better self talk, a call to action, and a deeper spiritual commitment - that's what I brought home from the movies. Now the trick will be to really begin to live it and not just let it slip away when I get caught up in the distractions of my every day life.

What about you? What did you bring home? And how will you begin to really live it? What will you do to begin to act on it? And more importantly, when will you start?


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