In the next few days I'll be finishing up this project so we can get started on our next one. Daniel put in a special request to do a project on chanting for money, prosperity, luck, and all that good stuff, so that's what we'll be doing. I think it will be a good one because I've already had some success with it. I was playing around with making up my own money chants and came up with something fun to say... and the next day I made $160 over and above what I expected!! So, how cool was that? And it was really easy, didn't take hardly any time at all, plus... well, it worked! So, stay tuned, I'm playing catch up just as fast as I can.
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Lives are snowflakes - “Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I mean, real...
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Friday, April 23, 2010Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Labels: wrapping things up
Did we do it?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010Hey guys, I think we did it! And now that we've come to the end of our project, it's time to weigh in with comments and commentary on what we thought about it, how well it worked for us, what the results have been, and whatever else you'd like to share.
Here's a list of questions to get the dialogue started:
- How well did you do with keeping your commitment to yourself?
- Was there a pay off at the end? In other words, did it work the way you hoped?
- What do you think contributed most to your success? (assuming you succeeded)
- What was your greatest stumbling block?
- Would you do it again?
- And if so, what would you do differently?
- What would you do the same?
- Do you have any advice you'd like to share with someone who is thinking about taking the 30 day challange of keeping a commitment to themselves?
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:27 PM 6 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, wrapping things up
Better Late Than Never
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I've rummaged through all of our finished projects and come up with a nice little list of posts, some of which might be really helpful and useful when it comes to making and keeping commitments. It's too bad that I didn't think of doing this at the beginning of the project! At any rate, here they are, better late than never!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: goals, Keeping Commitments
Four To Go
Where did the time go? We've just got four days to go! Wow. It's hard to believe that our 30 days of keeping a commitment is almost over. I know that for me, it has been a really long time since I have been this committed to doing something every single day that's good for me, and I'm convinced that it has made a subtle but noticeable difference in my self confidence. I flat out feel better about Shirley. So, how cool is that?
Also, today I taught a Reiki 1 class, and all that practice doing the attunements (one a day) has really paid off, which is really nice since I've now had the pleasure of reaping the rewards of my commitment. I'm even starting to look ahead and think about what my next 30 day commitment will be, and it seems important to keep a cool head about it so that I don't get ambitious and overcommit myself.
Now seems like a good time to find out if anyone has ideas or opinions about just how many commitments a person should try to keep at one time. One is definitely doable - but is three too many? What about five? Is that insane? Where are we already committed? Are those other commitments negotiable? And is it time to renegotiate? Would it be a really good idea to narrow it down to just one or two commitments that are kept hell or high water? Could we then restructure all the other chores, jobs, plans and ambitions? Would it be a good idea to put them on the "I could choose to do it if I wanted to" list?
What do you think guys? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject, especially since I keep coming up with all kinds of things I might want to commit to for the next 30 days... I don't want to go crazy, and yet I don't want to lose this nice momentum either.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: goals, Keeping Commitments
Getting it done
Thursday, April 15, 2010then let nothing hold you up in your work.
Much of the best work of the world
has been done against seeming impossibilities.
The thing is to get the work done.
~Dale Carnegie
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:27 PM 3 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, quotes, success
The Ten Commandments of Endurance
Wednesday, April 14, 2010We're counting down the days now - just seven more to go! I think it's time to post the Ten Commandments of Endurance so that we can have find the grit and determination to keep on keeping on. So, here ya go. If this doesn't give us some motivation, I don't know what will!There is, perhaps, no one more qualified to speak on the subject of endurance than 58-year-old Marshall Ulrich of Idaho Springs, Colorado. Outside Magazine once dubbed him the “Endurance King”–and for good reason. In 2008 he ran 3,063 miles across America in just 52-and-a-half days. That’s equal to 117 marathons. He has won the Badwater Ultramarathon. four times. And he has climbed the tallest summit on each continent – a feat known as The Seven Summits.
A motivational speaker, Ulrich recalls being asked to address a group of Navy Seals in 2007.
“And I said to myself, ‘What can I give these guys?’ You know, for instance, they throw them out in the water and they’re struggling for their lives…’what can they think about? What can I give them to help them?’ The same thing holds true for our lives. What can we have in hand that will help us deal with things?”
That’s when Ulrich wrote his Ten Commandments of Endurance.
- Expect a journey and a battle–
“Life is not always simple. Don’t think that it’s just going to be smooth and not a rocky road. Accept that in your mind and then you can deal with things.” - Focus on the present and set intermediate goals—
“Don’t get too far ahead of yourself. Just stay in the present. If you’ve got some sort of problem…just deal with that. Take a deep breath and solve that one problem and then you can go on to others.” - Don’t dwell on the negative–
“I think it helps to step outside of ourselves and not live in our own space or our own head too much. Look at what’s happening out there and focus on even problems of the world or other people. It kind of takes that focus from ourselves.” - Transcend the physical–
“If you’ve got an injury, say you’ve twisted an ankle and you want to keep going–providing you’re not doing damage to yourself–take that focus off that ankle. You can keep going as long as you don’t get locked into thinking about it continuously. You can transcend that physical aspect.” - Accept your fate—
“Just accept it for what it is and take it one step at a time.” - Have confidence that you will succeed—
Recall experiences, “where you’ve had success in the past. It will give you confidence to go beyond what you normally thought you could.” - Know that there will be an end—
“There will be an end and we can go on to more fertile soil.” - Suffering is okay—
“That’s the human condition. We’re all going to suffer on one level or another.” - Be kind to yourself—
“If you’re running and you need to walk a little bit. That’s okay. Know that you have weaknesses just like anybody else.” - Quitting is not an option—
“Everybody is going to think about quitting. I think about quitting. But you can’t let it overwhelm you. You can’t let it stop you from your success. And if you frame it in that way–that quitting is not an option–I think that’s the best thing to do.”
To learn more about Marshall Ulrich, visit Dreams in Action.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, overcoming obstacles
Visualizing Success
Tuesday, April 13, 2010Hey guys! Tonight I did a mini-workshop on Creative Visualization, using some of the techniques we learned when we did our project on Creative Visualization a while back. It was a great group, and we had some really good energy going, and now I'm way tired and it's way late.
So, I'm going to sit down right now and visualize each one of you, all fired up, and keeping your commitments to yourselves in the best possible way for you! And I'm going to visualize ME doing my attunement for today.
It's such a good idea, I wish I'd thought of it sooner. Visualizing ourselves making our commitments... you can do it too! We'll use mind power to push on through these last few days of the project!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 10:59 PM 2 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments
Trying Again
Monday, April 12, 2010
If any of you were encouraged, or motivated by yesterday's post on "try again," here's your opportunity to do just that. We only have 9 days left of the project. Is there a commitment you could make to yourself, and pledge to keep, for just 9 days? Perhaps you might want to renew your original commitment, or simply make a new one, either way, you can still try again.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: intention, Keeping Commitments
If at first you don't succeed
Sunday, April 11, 2010For those of us who started this project filled with enthusiasm and determination, and then somehow lost our way, here is a collection of just about everything I can find about "If at first you don't succeed... try try again."
From Dictionary Reference we have this explanation of the concept:
Don't let a first-time failure stop further attempts. For example, I know it's hard at first to shift gears without stalling but if at first you don't succeed . . . This seemingly ancient adage was first recorded only in 1840 but has become so well known that it is often shortened.The original source has been traced back to 'Teacher's Manual' (1840) by American educator Thomas H. Palmer. Originally a maxim used to encourage American schoolchildren to do their homework. Palmer wrote in his 'Teacher's Manual': 'Tis a lesson you should heed, try, try again. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.'
Here's the full version:
'Tis a lesson you should heed,
Try, try, try again;
'If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try, try again.
Once or twice though you should fail,
Try again;
If you would at last prevail,
Try again.
If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
Though we may not win the race;
What should you do in that case?
Try again.
If you find your task is hard,
Try again;
Time will bring you your reward,
Try again.
All that other folks can do,
With your patience should not you?
Only keep this rule in view--
Try again.
And of course, over the years, the quote has changed, and changed, and changed again. Here is a comprehensive list of all the quotes I could find that start with "If at first you don't succeed...":
- If at first you don't succeed,
find out if the loser gets anything.
— Bill Lyon - If at first you don't succeed,
then cheat. Repeat until caught.
— Internet humor - If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again. Then give up.
There's no use in being a damn fool about it.
~W.C. Fields - If at first you don't succeed
Change the rules.
— Unknown - If at first you don’t succeed,
keep on sucking till you do succeed.
— Curly Howard of the Three Stooges - If at first you don't succeed,
you get back up and you try ...
and you try ... and you try it again ...
except ice skating,
I hate this crap, I quit!
— Little Richard, rock singer - If at first you don't succeed,
call in an air strike.
— Murphy’s Laws of Combat - If at first you don't succeed
Blame central management.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
Do it the way your wife told you to.
— An anonymous wife - If at first you don't succeed
Delegate and make it someone else's problem.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed,
destroy all evidence that you tried.
— Susan Ohanian - If at first you don't succeed,
failure may be your style.
— Quentin Crisp. - If at first you don't succeed,
call it version 1.0.
— Internet humor - If at first you kind of stink,
then by all means, Hollywood, try, try
those failed film conceits again.
But this time, get it right.
— Mike D’Angelo - If at first you don't succeed
Go postal and shoot the crap outta everything.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
click 'undo'.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed,
blame your server.
— Computer Truism - If at first you don't succeed
Have a scapegoat handy.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
It must be someone else's fault. Find them.
Blame them. Make them pay.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
Keep a separate ledger.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
Lower your standards.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
You will never succeed.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed
You are probably not related to the manager.
— Anonymous - If at first you don't succeed,
you're running about average.
— Marion Hamilton Alderson - If at first you don't succeed,
try a new line of business.
— Mary Ellen Egan - If at first you don't succeed,
get new batteries.
— 4th grade proverb - If at first you don't succeed,
dust yourself off and try again.
— Aaliyah Haughton - If at first you don't succeed,
become a weather forecaster.
— Internet humor - If at first you don’t succeed,
take the tax loss.
— Kirk Kirkpatrick - If at first you don’t succeed,
skydiving is not for you.
— Wendy Northcutt - If at first you don't succeed,
take a nap!
— Vicki Sue - If at first you don't succeed,
do it like your mother told you.
— An Anonymous Mother!
Oh, and here's a really good one:
try to hide your astonishment.
— Harry F. Banks
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, overcoming obstacles, quotes, success
Friday, April 09, 2010~François de la Rochefoucauld
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 1:40 PM 3 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, quotes
Keeping the peace?
Thursday, April 08, 2010I loved this comment that Karla made a couple of days ago. I decided to post it so that all of our readers will get to see it. The comment was in reference to the post about brain scans being able to predict who will keep a promise and who won't.
"What is dishonest?" For some people, white lies and evasive techniques come very easily because they are the type that survives best in a harmonious atmosphere. I see this a lot in reading palms. Crooked pinkies indicate fibbing...the more twisted the pinkie, the more apt someone is to twist the truth. But slightly bent often just means the person adjusts truth to keep peace.
We can apply this to our project, I think. When we don't keep those promises to ourselves were we fibbing at the onset? Or is it that the need is simply to harmonize another area of our life at that moment when we must let that promise go?
So, Karla, here's my answer:
When I read this, the first thing I did was check my pinkie fingers - and sure enough, they are only very slightly bent. How interesting! Years ago, they used to be alot more crooked than they are now. So, clearly I'm making progress with myself which is good. The fact that they are even slightly bent, plus the fact that I know what I do got me thinking... Do I adjust the truth to keep the peace? Or am I more likely to tweak the facts in order to avoid trouble? or ease my workload? And at what point does adjusting the truth to smooth out the wrinkles in my life actually begin to cause way more trouble for me than it fixes?
And that answer brings up even more questions:
And what about you? Are you a truth adjuster? What do your pinkie fingers look like? When you find yourself not keeping the commitments you make to yourself, is it in the interests of peace and harmony? or to avoid trouble? And is that the same thing? What areas of your life do you most often find a need to "harmonize," where are your peacekeeping skills most evident? I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about this one, and how it might relate to this project, and have you been able to keep your commitment to yourself thus far, and if not, were you on a peace keeping mission? or troubleshooting? or what?
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, peace, questions
What do you think?
Wednesday, April 07, 2010"Imagine making a promise when in fact, you know you would benefit from not keeping it. Would you keep it anyway?"
This question was posed in yesterday's post and I've been thinking about it ever since. How would you answer that question?
And what if you thought you would benefit from a commitment you made, and then found that more benefits would be had if you didn't follow through? What would you do then?
Which brings me to the question of instant gratification vs delayed gratification. Is this what happens when I make a commitment to myself of "no more junk food" and then when confronted with chips and dip, I'm right away having some? Is it that the immediate benefit outweighs the not so immediate benefit?
And does this make me an opportunist? Or merely human? And what about you? How do you handle delayed gratification, hasty commitments, and unrealistic promises? Do you think it would be helpful to create for yourself a habit of renegotiating, renewing, or rethinking what you say "yes" to?
And while we're on the subject of "yes," I'd like to point out that every "yes" has it's inherent "no." For example, "yes" to yet another slice of pizza may actually be "no" to a night without heartburn. At the same time, "no" to taking time for yourself to relax, or create, may actually be a "yes" to stress or unhappiness.
So, there you have it. Plenty of things to think about, questions to ponder, and answers to post!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, know yourself, questions
Can a Brain Scan Predict a Broken Promise?
Tuesday, April 06, 2010A new study suggests that brain activity may give away dishonest intent!
I found a really interesting article at the Scientific American about broken promises and brain activity. I find it interesting that they call breaking a promise "being dishonest" and I suppose it's true. Anyway, here are the highlights of the article. I'm curious to hear what you guys think of it!
Last time you told someone “I’ll call you,” did you mean it? We all make promises in our daily interactions with others. On the one hand, promises such as “I’ll return your book next week” or “I won’t tell anyone” are not heavily binding, except maybe in a moral sense.
On the other hand, some of the promises we make bind us legally and financially. By saying “I do”, newlyweds promise to love and cherish each other no matter what happens for the rest of their lives; hardly anybody makes this promise intending to break it.
But imagine making a promise when in fact, you know you would benefit from not keeping it. Would you keep it anyway? Could we somehow tell in advance whether you’re going to keep it or break it? And finally, could we predict your decision by looking at what happens in your brain?
All these questions are addressed in an exciting new study performed in Switzerland and led by Thomas Baumgartner and Urs Fischbacher. While their findings, published in "Neuron," are brand new and thus need to be confirmed by further research, they suggest that it may indeed be possible to detect whether a person is about to break a promise based on brain activity, well before the promise is actually broken.
The researchers ran a brain-scanning experiment in which pairs of participants played a well-established economic game involving trust. The main objective of this study was to illuminate how brain activity differs when promises are kept and when they are broken.
Interestingly, nearly all participants fell into one of two groups – about half were honest and consistently kept their promises, and the other half consistently broke them. The researchers compared the brain activity of the honest and dishonest players. They found that while breaking their promise, the dishonest players showed greater activity in regions of the brain known to be involved in generating and regulating emotional and cognitive conflict (the anterior cingulate cortex, parts of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and the amygdala).
Fascinatingly, another network of regions in dishonest players’ brains (the anterior insula, anterior cingulate cortex and inferior frontal gyrus) showed increased activity while the players were making promises that they would later break. In other words, the dishonest players showed increased brain activity in several areas not only while breaking promises, but also at an earlier stage when their behavior was indistinguishable from that of honest players.
The researchers also examined whether any brain regions showed increased activation in the honest (compared to dishonest) participants, but found no such areas. They interpret this to mean that honesty may be a human ‘baseline’ – our brains might find it more effortful to be dishonest than honest.
This interpretation is rather optimistic about human nature, as it implies that we are hardwired to be honest, and that even those who consistently act dishonestly do not find it easy to do so. However, we must remember that failing to find a difference is not the same as proving that there is no difference. Honesty-related brain activity may be too subtle for such techniques to pick up.
In this study, each of the participants tended to be either honest or dishonest. Surprisingly, although we often think of honesty as a general personality trait, the researchers found no differences, on personality measures, between participants who broke promises and those who kept them.
Does this mean honesty is simply not part of one’s personality? Or perhaps we will never be able to capture honesty with a test? After all, being honest or dishonest involves a set of cognitive and social factors which may prove too complex to pin down.
In the Baumgartner study, the researchers observed people doing what came naturally to them in a social interaction – and for about half, the experiment was enough to elicit deceptive behavior.
The study opens up a host of questions for future research. For example, is dishonesty in economic decision-making the same as dishonesty in other situations, such as social, romantic or political interactions? Are dishonest people equally dishonest in different situations? And do similar brain mechanisms underlie all types of dishonest behavior?
So next time you say "I will call you" take a moment and ask yourself if you really mean it. You may be surprised to realize that you already know whether you do... or do not. This intention, we now know, is evident in your brain activity, so if you intend to break a promise, you might want to avoid making it in an MRI scanner.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 10:02 PM 3 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, know yourself
Renegotiating Your Commitments
Monday, April 05, 2010
For today's post, I wanted to look at the idea of renegotiating our commitments. Maybe we could start off with a list - a list of all the commitments we can think of that we've made to ourselves over time. Then, one by one, we could go down that list asking ourselves the following questions:
- Am I still committed to this?
- If the answer is yes, how much time (energy, effort, etc) am I willing to commit, and when? What are my parameters? And what are my "deal breakers" in this situation?
- If the answer is no, am I willing to release myself gently, no hard feelings, no guilt, no anxiety, and just let that one go? And how shall I celebrate this new freedom?
This one is worth some time I think, even if it takes several days to compile the list and go through each thing.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 7:06 PM 5 comments
Labels: Keeping Commitments, know yourself, questions
Another Article About Keeping Commitments
Sunday, April 04, 2010From Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, author, motivatinal speaker, and inspirational leader we have the following article:Have you wondered what sets the highly successful people ahead of others? One key factor is keeping commitments.
It is astonishing that 90% of the world's problems result from people failing to keep their commitments. Heads of state, CEO's, family members and friends, every missed goal or uncompleted task can be traced back to someone not keeping their end of the bargain.
We all make commitments every day. Some seem small and insignificant-agreed upon time to meet, a promise to run an errand or a promise to follow-up. Others are ostensibly bigger and more important-a formal contract or legal document, etc. It is important to consider all commitments equally important, because this is the way trust is built and maintained. A person's reputation is built upon their ability to make and keep commitments. Your life will work better when commitments are carefully made and diligently kept.
There are five key factors in making and keeping commitments.
- All Commitments Are Important: When you agree to do something-do it as agreed. When you agree to meet someone, be there on time. When you fail to keep a commitment you fail yourself first and the other person second.
- Be Careful What You Agree To: Many people find it easier to say yes instead of no. It is far better to agree to what you can do, than saying yes to please someone at the moment and later fail your commitment because of being over-committed or because you have difficulty saying no.
- Manage Your Commitments: Keep a log of your commitments-Write them down. You may have great intentions, but if you forget to do what you agreed to do, the result is the same as your 'Choosing' not to keep your commitment.
- Renegotiate When You Are Unable to Keep Your Commitment: When you discover you are unable or unwilling to complete an agreement, go to the other party/parties and renegotiate.
- Manage By Agreement: Instead of telling someone to do something, ask if they would agree to doing it and by when. You have a greater chance it will get done if you ask rather than tell.
By paying careful attention to the commitments you make, tracking them and developing the habit of keeping all your commitments you will be known as a person of integrity. Your life and the world around you work in direct proportion to the quality of your commitments.
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 8:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: intention, Keeping Commitments
Need An Energy Boost?
Friday, April 02, 2010Well, we're into that seemingly never ending middle part of our project. This is when the newness has worn off, possibly we've lost our enthusiasm, life experiences have interfered, any number of bumps in the road have popped up to derail our good intentions. For me, this time around, I think I'm just tired... I don't know about you guys, but I could use an energy boost. So, here we have, from My Adrenal Fatigue, a nifty list of 43 tips to boost your energy naturally.
- Alternate Hot and Cold in the Shower – This is a great technique to boosts metabolism, heart rate, and blood circulation. Its also great for sore muscles!
- Instead of Coffee Drink Green Tea – It is lower in caffeine and produces more physical energy. The reason is that it contains catchins which activate brain chemicals to increase nerve action and circulation.
- Chew Something – Chew some strong peppermint gum. Peppermint has long been known to have a favorable affect on energy levels.
- Scratch Your Head, Or Better Yet, Get Someone Else To – A good head scratch will stimulate your brain. This is because the act of scratching stimulates blood flow to the area. Also related for the same reasons, scratch your temples and ears.
- Eat A Banana – Banana is a great energy booster because its rich in potassium.
- Don’t oversleep – Catching up on sleep by staying in bed longer than usual can backfire and make you feel more tired. Have you ever noticed how you feel on those days you oversleep? Changing the sleep cycle by more than just a couple hours messes with you circadian rhythm and makes you feel more tired not less.
- Take A Quick Power Nap – Emphasis on quick. Sometimes a quick afternoon nap is all you need to get recharged. Society may make you think you are being lazy or slacking, but many of the most successful people in history (Edison, Ford, and Churchill among others) swear by a solid afternoon nap. Make it shorter than 30 minutes though as an extra long nap can make you feel groggy for the remainder of the day. A long nap might also interfere with your night time sleep schedule.
- Skip The Sugar – If you’re craving carbohydrates, go for whole-grain foods and if your sweet tooth is can’t be satisfied then grab a piece of fruit. These complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, so they keep your energy level steady.
- Go on a Quick Walk - Before you get hit by that mid afternoon slump, get up and talk a walk. Getting outside in the sun and breathing in fresh air will be sure to help you feel more energized.
- Always Eat Breakfast – They don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing. Breakfast is extremely important. If you think about it your body has not received any nourishment for 8-12 hours depending on when you ate dinner the night before. And sleeping is a lot more work than most of us are aware of. Start the day off right with a healthy breakfast. If you don’t feel like it, start with something small, and manageable and work up from there. You simply can’t reach your full energy potential without a proper breakfast.
- Eat Nuts – Cashews, walnuts, and almonds are full of protein and good fats. They are great for increasing your stamina as well as some of the best snack foods available to you. Make sure to have these energy snacks available at all times.
- Snack More – People trying to lose weight are always surprised that one of the best ways to do it is to eat more not less. Eating more frequently is a great way to get your metabolism going. The entire process of increasing your energy has to do with your metabolism. Get it cruising at full pace by eating 5-7 small meals everyday as opposed to the traditional 3. Make sure you are eating foods that have nutritonal value and won’t zap you of energy like candy bars, chips, and soda. Instead keeps nuts handy, grab a yogurt, and keep fresh fruit and vegetables fully stocked.
- Learn Some Stress Management Techniques – One of the quickest and sure-fire ways to feel drained of energy is to be consumed by stress. Although we can’t always avoid stress completely, we don’t have to wallow in it. Many stress management techniques exist. Here is one just for starters. Find a picture of a place that you feel safe, peaceful, restful, and beautiful. Whenever work, the kids, the husband, etc. get to you, go to your place in your mind. A picture helps but you can often do this with just your imagination. For bonus points make sure to address all the different senses available do you. Sight, smell, touch, sound, tastes. You’ll find that the stress melts away and you feel great.
- Drink Plenty Of H2O – Do you know what the first sign of dehydration is? Fatigue! Drinking plenty of water is essential to high energy levels. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are getting your hydration from other drinks. There is no substitute for water.
- Get A Good Nights Rest – During sleep so many wonderful biochemical changes occur which help to rejuvenate our bodies. Become protective of your sleep and don’t allow distractions and whims to throw you off. Easier said than done I know, but its worth it.
- Take A Deep Breath – Many of us are shallow breathers. We don’t get completely fill our lungs when we breath. This results in the same types of symptoms runners experience when they run at an elevation higher than what they are use to. Their lungs can’t draw as much oxygen out of the air as they are accustomed to, so they get tired faster. Learn to draw in deep diaphragmatic breaths and then fully exhale. You’ll have more oxygen introduced to your blood stream and consequently have more energy.
- Make Me Time – Think to yourself about what you really like to do. Make sure that everyday you give yourself time to do that. Its about carving out a space in your life for you. Whether its a watching great movie, listening to music, going on a run, camping, reading a good book, etc. When you do things you really enjoy doing and things you love, some of the most powerful sources of personal energy are activated and released.
- Fix Your Posture – The natural curves of your spine help you to better deal with physical stress. When you slouch you can’t absorb and dissipate stress as evenly. This leads to pain, discomfort, and fatigue from muscles needing to work harder than they should have to. Fix your energy levels through good posture.
- Laugh Often – This is a fantastic form of therapy for those in an energy slump. Laughter releases important hormones that make you feel good. If you want to take this to another level take the time to learn some good funny stories and or jokes. Then go and share these with as many people as you can and watch what happens to your mood and your energy.
- Get Some Direct Sunlight – This is the best way to get enough Vitamin D. Vitamin D as long been underrated as to its level of importance to our overall health. Doctors are finding that the FDA’s recommended daily amount is simply not enough. Vitamin D deficiency has been proven to be to contribute to the following: osteoporosis, depression, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, thyroid, and adrenal issues. The scary part is according to one study over 80% of Americans are Vitamin D deficient. Although vitamin D supplements are wonderful, there is simply no substitute to getting out into direct sunlight.
- Try Aromatherapy – Our sense of smell is extremely powerful. Smelling salts have long been used to help revive the unconscious. Taxi and truck drivers use smells to stay alert during long shifts. Try some good smelling oils or candles to increase your energy and alertness.
- Is It Too Hot? – Everyone has experienced the feeling of being too hot and recognizes how heat can zap your strength. Are you falling asleep at work? You might be wearing too many layers. Either turn down the thermostat or get a fan for your work area.
- Splash Your Face With Cold Water – This is a great remedy for morning sleepiness but can be used throughout the day. The quick surge you feel as the cold water washes over your face might be just what you need to get that extra energy burst.
- Switch Tasks - Low energy might just be that you are in a rut. Switch your mind to a different task for a little while. Also think about the side of your brain that you are using. If you are stuck in a rut with something creative, switch to something that uses the left side of your brain for a while… and vice versa. You’ll not only notice a different form of energy but you’ll might just be surprised to notice subconsciously your brain continues to work on your previous task. And when you come back it that problem you struggled with before has been solved.
- Listen To Music With A Fast Temp – We are creatures of rhythm. Our entire physiology is greatly influenced by rhythms. If you are trying to relax, listen to music with a slow beat. But if you want to get pumped up, play something with a faster and more intense beat.
- Color Your Environment – Studies show that Red, Pink and Orange are great to boost energy levels. Take a look at your work environment or your home. If you feel depressed and tired all the time, you may want to bring in some of these splash of color.
- Take Herbal Supplements – Many people have already discovered the energy boosting affects of adaptogenic herbs. If you’re looking for a natural way to stay awake, try Siberian ginseng, licorice root, kelp, Rhodiola, acai, bee pollen, ginger, gutu kola, maitake and more. See the adrenal fatigue supplements guide for a list of some great products to get you started.
- Take Your Vitamins – Making sure your body has all the vitamins it needs to function properly is integral to staying energetic. If your diet isn’t providing what you need (which it probably isn’t), consider a multi-vitamin to supplement to start with. Then make sure you are getting enough of the energy vitamins: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), Iron, Magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
- Skip The Night Cap – You might think that alcohol makes you more sleepy, but it may actually be decreasing the quality of sleep you are getting. If you drink, do it in moderation to assure a good nights rest and alertness the morning after.
- Get A Massage – Massages are great to stimulate blood flow and release tension. It truly is an amazing form of therapy.
- Call Friends – Being social is built into our DNA. We go crazy (remember that movie Cast Away?) when we don’t have that deep sense of connection with other humans. For extra credit, call a friend and find a way to help them or contribute to their life. There is definitely a form of social energy that is all around us that we can tap into.
- Sneak A Quick Workout – Endorphins are some of the most powerful feel good hormones our body produces. A quick run or trip to the gym is a great way to get your heart, blood, and hormones pumping to help you feel more energy.
- Stand Up And Get Away From Your Desk – The idea that we can sit at a desk and work for 8 hours straight is absurd. In order to be at your peak energy levels, stop working and disconnect completely at least every 2 hours. Take a 10 to 15 minute break away from your desk and see what happens to your energy. You’ll find you have a sustainable store of energy to last you through the day.
- Find A Way To Serve – Forget about yourself for a little while and figure out ways that you can give to someone else’s life. Service to loved ones, or to a worthy cause also gets some of those feel good hormones flowing and… you get to help someone.
- Talk With Coworkers – But here’s the trick. Don’t talk about work and don’t gossip. Instead get to know others. Studies show that having friends at work boosts productivity and helps morale. Simply put, its just easier to be at work when you know and like the people there.
- Manage Your Emotions – Negative emotions drain energy while positive emotions build energy. Take a look at your emotional health and determine what you need to do in order to bring more positive emotions into your life. Conversely think of the the steps you need to take to decrease the negative emotions you experience everyday. Here’s a hint: the solution is that you need to change, not someone else.
- Try Optimism – Are you a pessimist? Are you constantly complaining about how bad things are? Studies show that pessimists have a higher chance of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depressive symptoms, smoke, be sedentary or overweight. Try looking at the good side of things… even the good side of bad things.
- Try Something Different – Change things up, drive home a different way, eat somewhere totally new and foreign to you. Spicing things up just for fun can bring the energy back to your life.
- Think About What You Want Not What You Don’t Want – In sports a common adage has always been “a good offense is the best defense”. This is true for life. Instead of always trying to avoid pain try going seeking pleasure. Go after exactly what it is you want. Often just the clarity alone will help you feel more energy. Play some offense with your life, think about what you want not what you don’t want.
- Is Your Food’s pH Off? – The pH levels of the foods most of us consume can lead to many health problems. Foods are either in the alkaline or acidic category when considering pH. The goal is since the body is slightly more alkaline than acidic, we need to eat foods that will balance our pH levels with that of our bodies natural state. Most fruits and vegetables are in the low to high alkaline category and are therefore better to consume. However, its important to make sure they are fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned or processed in anyway. For instance, the process of canning completely changes the pH level in foods and typically makes them more acidic. Having a more balanced pH helps you body metabolize more efficiently which helps boost your energy.
- Play With Your Pet – If you like pets and enjoy their company, spending time with them can help you with your energy. It puts you in a good mood, helps you forget about your self, and can promote exercise and getting outdoors.
- Pat Yourself On The Back – Its easy to forget what we have accomplished and how far we have come. Instead of looking at how much further you need to go to get to your desired goal, think about the milestones you have hit and the progress you have made. Take a minute and congratulate yourself for your fine achievements and you are sure to feel motivation to continue on your journey.
- Count Your Blessings – Gratitude is a natural way to getting good positive energy to flow into you. It also helps to rid your mind of negative, heavy, and debilitating emotions and feelings that have a way of deflating you. Next time you are feeling a little tired, take time to count all the things that you are grateful for in your life.
And if all else fails... there's always Starbucks!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:59 PM 4 comments
Labels: health, Keeping Commitments
A Solid Commitment
Thursday, April 01, 2010Having kept my commitment to myself, I find there's no time to post anything profound for today. So ... I came up with this!
Posted by Shirley Twofeathers at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: humor, Keeping Commitments