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Another five minute room rescue

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day Sixteen:
Still working in the Helpful People & Travel area of our homes

Life is not about doing it all by yourself, every day, every time. By allowing others to help us, we give them the opportunity to stretch and grow by helping us. Being in the flow of life means we give, and we allow others the chance to give to us. Be gracious in accepting help

A Helping Hand by Susan Gardos

Declutter activity for today:
The Five-Minute Room Rescue

In whichever area is still the most cluttered, set your timer for 5 minutes. Move as fast as you can and remove all items that do not belong in this area – take the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink, put the dirty clothes in the laundry pile, pick up all the books, magazines, and piles of papers and mail and put them in a basket or at least contain them all in one area in the house. After 5 minutes, stop. You’re done decluttering for today. Let’s move on to the fun stuff!

The point is to do this as quickly as possible so we are not spending more time than necessary decluttering and we can get to the fun stuff in our day.

From Sink Reflectionsby Marla Cilley


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