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Make a Feng Shui Journal

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Our activity for today (Day One):

This will help you to assess your life and guide you to where you may want to focus your feng shui energy as we proceed this month:

Get out your journal or notebook and ask yourself: Are you satisfied with your career? Do you just barely make rent every month? Are you stuck in a dating rut or a boring relationship?

In your journal, write down anything that’s bothering you or coming between you and true happiness.

You can even carry a pen and paper with you throughout the day, and any time anything at all bothers you, or you hear a complaint running through your head, write it down! It might be something as simple...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Prosperity Project, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Make a Feng Shui Journal


Anonymous said...

Well this is certainly going to be interesting. I think I have a yes in every single area mentioned.

Anonymous said...

I had a hard time with this because once I start "journaling" it takes me hours and hours to "finish".... and I was stressed for time. However, I did make a grid and in each box I put the things related to that area.

On paper, it ooks like my knowledge and the creativity areas are in the best shape.. held back only by lack of money and/or time..

I had no idea that the family area also had to do with the ability to meet basic expenses. Interesting.

I am really curious to see how this will relate to my house and my mess.

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