Children & Creativity area:Fire is not good for this area. If you have a fireplace in this area, you can cure it by placing a large mirror over the fireplace, or a large picture of water. Carved ducks and fish can bring in the water element also. Candles are not good for this area.
Red is not good here. Red keeps your creativity fired up all the time and can eventually burn you out.
Triangular and pointy objects also represent fire and do not belong here.
If anything is literally blocked in this area, such as doors, drawers, furniture, walkways – unblock it immediately so the energy can flow freely to all areas.
From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter
That little fish is really cute. I have a fish I painted a long time ago.. way a long time ago.. not quite 100 years ago, and it's colorful and cute, I think I will hang it in this area.
I know it is hard to get people to comment and I haven't contributed in days and days. BUT you guys are doing a great job and this material is very inspiring to me. I have done a lot of work on my environment, and even the areas I haven't "cured" are no longer so overwhelming. The pictures and information and little ad-ons are fabulous - great job! -GCG-
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