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Grab some garage sale stuff

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Declutter activity for today:

Find three items that are worth at least $5, that you have outgrown or that you never liked in the first place, and put them in a box for our group’s garage sale this spring.

If you think you may change your mind and remove the items from the box, and put them back on the shelf. Email Shirley and we can store the items for you so you won’t re-clutter your home with things that you know you do not need.

This should take less than five minutes. That’s it for today!

This idea is from our very own Melissa!


Anonymous said...

Ok, well I found 2 things. Still looking for that elusive 3rd thing. My biggest hang up is the $5 value part. So, as I look, I am busily putting other stuff of lesser value into my growing mound of garage sale items.

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