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Removing hazardous elements - fame and reputation area

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Fame & Reputation area:

Water in this area douses the fire you need here. If your bathroom happens to be in this area, add an earth element such as potted plants in ceramic pots or a yellow soap-on-a-rope in the shower. Move the fish tank out of this area. A painting of an ocean scene does not belong here.

Black symbolizes water, so remove any black items. Mirrors also symbolize water, so try to remove any big mirrors.

Remove anything that symbolizes what you are NOT about: a sad clown, photos of infamous people, depressing pictures, or pictures of animals that are associated with negative traits (sharks, leeches, pigs, toads, rats, etc) should all go!

Here is a perfect example of what NOT to put in this area.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


Anonymous said...

Looks like I need to switch out the pictures on the wall. Now I can't remember where black and water would be good... Hmmm.. I'm going to have to go back through and reread the posts on the various areas we have worked on so far.

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