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Hot Spot Fire Drill

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Our declutter activity for today is the:
Hot Spot Fire Drill

Remember, clutter consists of things that do not bring you joy, you do not love, or you don’t need.

Clutter is disorganized. Clutter keeps you living in the past. Clutter makes you embarrassed and ashamed. Clutter does not allow your mind and body to rest. Clutter tells you that you are not worthy. Clutter never wants you to leave home. Clutter has to be conquered! Release your clutter and find the things you are searching for....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Prosperity Project, hosted at,  and can be found in its entirety here: Hot Spot Fire Drill


Anonymous said...

In the past, whenever I have worked on decluttering my bigger hotspots, or my messiest rooms, it has really worn me out. I would find myself getting exhausted before I was anywhere near done. I think this must be because it is INNER as well as OUTER work.

I really like our de-cluttering drills because they are so short and simple. I find that I can do just about anything for 5 or even 10 minutes. And then I feel good, like I have acomplished something.

Looks like I am going to have to buy the Fly Lady's book "Sink Reflections".

This whole thing of doing the hard stuff in little bitty spurts has got me thinking about the other things in my life that I am having difficulties with (exercize - for example) what if I worked at them in the same way...

I wonder what my life would look like then... hmmm... I might try it.

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