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My money is my

Friday, November 21, 2008

money illusion
Finish this sentence with the first words that come into your mind:

My money is my ___________.

If you like what you just said... that's great! If what you just said shows you something interesting about yourself that you'd like to change, now is the time to take steps to make some changes. Start first with that thought, how can you rewrite the sentence in a more positive way, and still make it sound and feel true for you?

Remember, if you rewrite the sentence to be how you "wish" it was, or how you think it "should" be, or even how you "want" it to be, it will not have nearly the effectiveness as it will if you can rewrite it in such a way that you KNOW the truth of it.

When you have your alternative sentence firmly fixed in your mind, it will begin to operate automatically in your life, filtering out experiences and ideas that do NOT reflect that positive statement.

As always, we all love to see what other people write - so log on and share. Something you say might be really helpful to those of us who read it.


Anonymous said...

"My money is my friend" Sometimes we are very close and then there are times when we seem to have grown apart. We have alot of fun when we're together and have created some fantastic memories, shopped for special gifts for people and have gone on adventures I'll never forget.

This friendship has allowed me to live in warm, cozy houses, drive decent cars, eat great food (and cook it for others!), see doctors when we need to and otherwise take care of my family. What kind of friend does all that for you?

Sometimes, like in all friendships, we fight. I get really mad at my money for not being there for me when I feel like I need it most. It's just not around enough, and when it does come to leaves far too soon! This loss of connection makes me really sad at times, as well. I need to remember all the good times this friend and I have had and plan new great things for us to do together. I vow to be grateful for it's presence in my life and cherish the time we are together, forgiving the times when we are not.

Unknown said...

My money is my friend when I have it......sounds familiar. How DARE IT NOT BE AROUND ALL THE TIME? So it is not my friend when I don't have it? Ok So maybe I can just love my friend money all the time, because it is my friend....
I love and accept money unconditionally!

Cindy H said...

My money is my life! That's what came to me first. And I don't like that answer, but it does seem to be true. "Money makes the world go 'round", just like the song! And it seems like money or lack of it dictate how we lead our lives or a good portion of it. I guess as long as I don't let money be the ONLY thing in my life, it's okay.

So I'm changing my system to "money is a PART of my life and there is plenty of it in my life"!

Cindy H said...

My money is my life! That's what came to me first. And I don't like that answer, but it does seem to be true. "Money makes the world go 'round", just like the song! And it seems like money or lack of it dictate how we lead our lives or a good portion of it. I guess as long as I don't let money be the ONLY thing in my life, it's okay.

So I'm changing my system to "money is a PART of my life and there is plenty of it in my life"!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

My money is my friend... sometimes it's a long lost friend... and sometimes we are on the "outs" but pretty much, my money is my friend.

I like to keep "her" to MYSELF!! Not big on sharing at all...

Hmmm.... I guess that's why I keep "her" under my bed???


I do like the "My money is my friend." I just don't like what I think about after that... the MINE MINE MINE.... thing...

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