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Something Fun!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

So, today, I have something fun - I have been posting a lot of optical illusions, recently, and I found a good one that illustrates this project perfectly.
Here it is!

Magic Tray

Can you find a way to completely remove one of the glasses from the tray?

You'll find the answer here.


Cindy H said...

I did it, I did it! When I saw it was an optical illlusion my first thought what I wouldn't get it, I'm not good at those things. But I told myself to at least try before I looked at the answer and it worked! I did it! I am so surprised.

I'm going to apply that to our month's lessons and know that I can surprise myself in other ways, too, like changing my negative feelings about money into positive ones.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Way to go Cindy!!

When I saw this, I said - now that's just stupid! I can't remove one of the glasses from the tray - it's a picture on my monitor - I can't do anything with it at all.

Then when I clicked on the answer, I realized that I could indeed have figured it out. I wonder how many things I could have done - never got done - because I didn't even try!

Anonymous said...

I looked at this and kept on wondering what the question meant. How do you remove one glass from the tray?

Instead of fussing over it and getting myself aggravated, I put my hand on the screen and giggled.

I loved this (:

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