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Acts of Kindness - wrapping things up.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Here is an overview of our mini project: Random Acts of Kindness

This post provides links to pertinent aspects of this project, so that you won't have to sift through the archives to find out what you want to know.

Our original idea and statement of intent is here.

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

New Years Resolutions

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

From Humor Matters here are some alternative affirmations for the new year.

"At the end of one year and the start of another, many of us will renew our commitment to living with daily affirmations. I know the power of affirming my truth, over and over, everyday! While these may not suit every one's taste, here are some "possible" affirmations to consider!"

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Food for thought

Anne Geddes

I love this picture.

I believe that inside each one of us there lives someone who is this vulnerable, this tender, this delicate, this new, and this beautiful. What do you think? Do you think that's true?

What if we could see the people around us in the same light that we see this picture? What if we felt this way about ourselves? What if we treated our environment and our relationships with the same tenderness that would treat this little being?

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Here's a life changing action

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

~Og Mandino

This is an image of Kwan Yin. She is one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. She is the embodiment of compassionate loving kindness. As the Bodhisattva of Compassion, She hears the cries of all beings.

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Thoughtfulness is Kindness

Sometimes showing kindness is a quick action
that simply shows others you are being thoughtful:

  • Open the door for another person.
  • Smile. Share a smile with family members, co-workers, and even strangers. A smile is a great way to boost someone's day.
  • Pick up a piece of trash you see on the ground.
  • Encourage your children to show kindness at school....
So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Be Kind to Mother Earth

Kindness is not just about showing respect and care for humans, but for creation and animals, as well. Caring for the environment is a way to show kindness to everyone else who lives in it. Teach your children how pollution and trash affect the environment, and find a way to protect it together as a family. Ideas include:
  • Plant a tree.
  • Make a birdhouse together as a family project, then place it in your backyard. Or make a simple bird feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter and birdseed.
  • Recycle. If your garbage pickup service doesn't include recycling bins, find a local drop-off center.
So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Here are some easy ideas.

My Religion is simple.
My religion is kindness
~The Dalai Lama

I found a list of ideas for our Kindness Project:
Collect canned goods for a local food bank.
Help serve dinner at a local homeless shelter.
Donate time at a senior citizen home.
Donate books to the library....

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Lets Go Shopping

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

This amazing and beautiful painting is by Gloria Cocker
Today is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. So I thought I would post a shopping list for everything I could find at Amazon that features Random Acts of Kindness. Hover your mouse over the link, and a box will pop up with the more information. If you have dial up or a slow internet connection, be patient, it might take it a little while to load.

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas?
You know…
the birth of Santa.

~ Bart Simpson

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

A bit of bovine wisdom.

Friday, December 22, 2006

cartoon found at: All Creatures

Hi. I hope this day finds you all well, and happy, and not too stressed over the holidays and all the hoopla and hoorah that comes with it. Be sure and take time to stop and enjoy.

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

A Shoe Story

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Here is a story about a shoe:
While boarding a moving train one day, one of Gandhi's shoes slipped off and fell upon the track. As he was unable to retrieve it, Gandhi - to the astonishment of his fellow travelers - calmly removed his other shoe and threw it down the track to where the first had landed. "The poor man who finds the shoe lying on the track," Gandhi explained, "will now have a pair he can use."

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Random Acts of Kindness

"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
- Mother Theresa

Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness segment of the prosperity project. Our commitment between now and the first of the year will be to consciously practice Random Acts of Kindness.
Because we are not doing this project for personal gain, we will not be listing our goals in terms of money or prosperity. Instead, let's list our personal goals in terms of how many acts of kindness we would like to do between now and Jan 1st, or what it is we would like to achieve by doing kind things for others.

So sorry to do this, but this project has been moved and can be found in its new home Random Acts of Kindness at the new and improved Prosperity Project hosted at  

Bright blessings. I hope to see you there!

Gypsy Magic - An Overview

Here is an overview of our project: Gypsy Magic, does it work? This post provides links to pertinent aspects of this project, so that you won't have to sift through the archives to find out what you want to know.

Also, please note that because this project has been moved in its entirety to my new website,, these links will send you to there. I thought that would be easier and less frustrating than if you clicked on a link only to be redirected again.

Our original idea and statement of intent is here. If you would like to try this project for yourself, a complete listing of needed supplies can be found here, and here are some ideas for a Gypsy Fun day

Most of the spells work best if done during the correct phase of the moon. I have embedded an active moon phase widget at the bottom of the individual post pages so that it will be easy to check and see where the moon is.

 If you begin with the new moon, you can start on Day One: Bringing Money Home, and then continue on thru Day Thirty: Out with the old. Or, you can pick the spells that seem interesting to you and do them according to the phases of the moon.

 As you do the spells, we encourage you to post your thoughts, ideas, results, joys and disappointments as you go. This is an active blog, and if you post, we will notice and reply.. and give you the benefit of our own experience and our support if it seems pertinent or appropriate. The basic summary of our results is posted here: Gypsy Magic: Our Results

 We do have a recommended reading list if you are interested in expanding your understanding and it can be found here: Recommended reading This project stimulated a "spin off" blog called Gypsy Magic Spells and Charms which was originally hosted on blogger, and is now being migrated to, the new blog is called Gypsy Magick and Lore.

As that site grows, you will find an ever evolving treasure trove of information about Gypsies and a wide variety of spells. Check it out, it's really cool. As promised, here is the complete listing of the daily posts for the Gypsy Magic 30 day project, a long with the suggested moon phase and/or day of the week for optimal results:

Miscellaneous Information:

  1. Preliminary: Reading Our Fortune
  2. Guidelines: Getting Started
  3. Shopping List: Gathering Our Supplies
  4. How to: Making Your Own Colored Candles and Make a Simple Mojo Bag
  5. Our results: Gypsy Magic: Our Results
  6.  Gypsy Fun Day

And these are the spells we did:

  1. Bringing Money Home - new moon
  2. Meet With Success - new moon
  3. Increase your money - new moon
  4. Making Miracles Happen - waxing moon
  5. Prosperity Oil - waxing moon
  6. Earth Abundance Spell - anytime
  7. Wealthy Week - day 1 - waxing moon - Sunday
  8. Wealthy Week - day 2 - waxing moon - Monday
  9. Wealthy Week - day 3 - waxing moon - Tuesday
  10. Wealthy Week - day 4 - waxing moon - Wednesday
  11. Wealthy Week - day 5 - waxing moon - Thursday
  12. Wealthy Week - day 6 - waxing moon - Friday
  13. Wealthy Week - day 7 - waxing moon - Saturday
  14. Making a Gypsy Medicine Bag - anytime
  15. A Healing Crystal - anytime
  16. Full Moon Mojo - full moon
  17. Removing Misfortune - or - Pour out your troubles - full moon
  18. Banishing blocks - waning moon
  19. Make friends with fate - anytime
  20. Moving mountains - waning moon
  21. Stomping out problems - waning moon
  22. Lets Win the Lottery - anytime
  23. Easy Money - anytime
  24. Urgent Money - anytime
  25. Flushing your bills away - waning moon
  26. Banish worry, bills, and bad vibes - anytime
  27. Diminish Our Debt- waning moon
  28. Prosperity in a cup - anytime
  29. Silver and sugar - anytime
  30. Out with the old - new or full moon

Gypsy Magic: Does it work?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gypsy Magic: Did it work for you?
Was it fun?
Did it work?
Your favorite spell?
Your least favorite spell?
Was it easy?
Did you learn anything?
Would you do it again?
How many spells did you do?
Is there anything else you want to say about it?

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Gypsy Magic: Our Results

Out with the old

If you think deeply about the start of any period of bad luck, you will find that there is some object that you acquired round about then or that you used or wore quite a lot. Maybe it is something that brings back recollections of an unhappy event. It can be an ornament, an item of clothing, a photograph, or even a kitchen utensil.

Place the said object near the back door of the house. Then, using a broom, and starting at the top of the house or in the room furthest from the back door, sweep each room in turn, working in a counter clockwise direction. As you work, visualize darkness being swept away in front of you. The darkness is black heavy clouds of bad luck. It can't resist your broom. While you sweep, say....

..... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Out with the old 

Silver and Sugar

Monday, December 18, 2006

Fill a silver spoon with sugar, and carry it around the house in a counter clockwise direction.

The silver spoon will banish negativity, and the sugar will empower and sweeten your opportunities. Leave the spoon undisturbed for seven hours, and then ...

...I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Silver and sugar 

antique roman spoon

Prosperity in a Cup

Sunday, December 17, 2006

So here is a spell that anyone can do.

Blow bubbles with a straw in your morning coffee
to bring about a prosperous day.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Prosperity in a cup 

Diminishing Debts

Saturday, December 16, 2006

This is a great spell for helping you diminish any debts you may have incurred, including those standard monthly debts otherwise known as bills.

The word abracadabra is extremely ancient and can be a powerful invocation to rid oneself of sickness and poverty. In this spell, we are going to use it to diminish bills and debt.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Diminish Our Debt

It's a hold up!

Oh my God it's a hold up!!
I got held up
and our post for today is on hold
until later on this afternoon.
I love you
and I'm sorry.

Banish bills, worry, and bad vibes

Friday, December 15, 2006

This is a very powerful banishing spell to pull worry, fear, bad vibes, unpaid bills, and just about anything that contributes to negativity out of your home and out of your life. It can be done anytime during the full or waning moon.

Supplies needed:

  • A cheap plastic planter (or container) about the size of a tub of margarine
  • Potting soil
  • A brown egg
  • A brown marker or crayon...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Banish worry, bills, and bad vibes 

Flushing our bills away

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Here is something easy and simple. It's probably not an "authentic" gypsy magic spell, but I think it's worth doing.

List your bills separately on toilet paper.
And flush the toilet paper down the toilet.

As you are doing this,
remember that what comes in must also go out.
And that's OK.
Because you are in the flow....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Flushing your bills away 

Urgent Money

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Urgent Money Spell

The Romanies say that when money is urgently needed by a certain date, this spell works wonders. One thing to remember: it must be performed at the witching hour of midnight.

Take one white votive (or tea light) candle to represent each $100 or $1,000 that you critically need. Stand them on a plate you often eat from.

At a quarter to midnight, sit in a room with no electric lights. Light a gold or silver, green or white candle (not one of those representing money). This is the candle that will give power to the "money" votive candles and will enable you to see what you are doing....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Urgent Money

Easy Money

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Here is an easy money spell:

Light a green candle. Let it burn for five minutes, then blow it out. Rub your hands in the smoke and imagine money coming to you.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Easy Money 

Lets win the lottery!

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Romanies often like to gamble, and they advise using this spell for the lottery.

Light one green candle for each of the numbers to be selected. Sit quietly and ponder the flames, allowing each flame in turn to suggest a number.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Lets Win the Lottery 

Stomping out problems

Here is a spell to remove a problem. Write the problem on the sole of an old shoe. Put the shoe on, stamp on the problem three times...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Stomping out problems 

Gypsy Fun

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's Gypsy Fun day. If you are unable to come to our little get together, you can still enjoy an evening of Gypsy Fun.

Light some candles, pour yourself a glass of red wine, and plan an evening of entertainment.

Here are some links to some "fun stuff" that you can do:

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Gypsy Fun Day

Moving the Mountains that Block Your Way

Saturday, December 09, 2006

According to the 16th century swiss alchemist Paracelsus, the gnome is able to move through earth in the same manner that a fish swims through water or a human walks through air. Gnomes are associated with the fey, or fairy-folk, and are equated with earthly treasures, earth consciousness, and great knowledge of the magick in rocks, caves, roots, gems, and mountains.

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another.

This spell is particularly good when things have been moving along just fine for you, you've been recovering from your debts, sailing ahead and suddenly - thwack! You run into some sort of a block....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Moving mountains 

Make Friends with Fate

Friday, December 08, 2006

Fate, it is said, may be influenced in your favor if you know your personal magic word.

To find it, light a white candle and sit facing south. Take a dictionary; close your eyes and turn the book around several times so that you are unaware of which way it is facing.

Eyes closed, fan the pages until you feel compelled to stop at a certain page....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Make friends with fate 

Banishing Blocks

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Banishing blocks with water undines:

Undines are female derivatives of water spirits. Like the other elements, the undines contribute to the universal life force through purification, movement and sound.

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Banishing blocks 

This is a thermal photograph of an ice cube melting.
Isn't it awesome?

Pour out your troubles

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pour Out Those Troubles...

We're going to make a thoughtfield!
In a moment,
hold out your hands in front of you,
as though you were holding
a sphere
the size of a small melon..

.. I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Pour out your troubles

Removing Misfortune

According to the Romanies, extricating yourself or someone you care for from a streak of bad luck and misfortune is not difficult.

Take three small jars and nine garlic cloves, and a number of thorns from a white rose. Stick the thorns into the garlic cloves and place three cloves in each jar...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Removing Misfortune

Full Moon Mojo

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This is the day when we go through all our little new moon "mojo's" and reset them for the full moon. Lots of little easy tasks.

If you put a dollar under your doormat, today is the day to remove it if that's what you want to do. If you do remove it, sprinkle the spot where it was with a little pinch or two of mint to freshen the energy. If you like that spell, and want to keep it going, you can leave it where it is until the new moon (about 2 weeks from now), at which point you can either refresh your dollar with cinnamon, or replace it with a larger bill.. say for example, a five dollar bill....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Full Moon Mojo 

A Healing Crystal

Monday, December 04, 2006

A quartz crystal emits a frequency of energy, a vibration. Romanies are known for using crystal balls for clairvoyance, but they also use quartz rock crystal for healing.

If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water. Then hold the crystal in both hands. Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: A Healing Crystal 

Making a Gypsy Medicine Bag

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Parik-til is the Gypsy version of a medicine bag. To create a parik-til, a small drawstring pouch is made in the appropriate color for the intended purpose. Into this goes various little objects: herbs, stones, feathers, sometimes a charm or piece of paper inscribed with a simple spell. This list is endless; it is only important that the objects seem sympathetic to your purpose.

Collect leaves and twigs of the oak tree, including a small acorn if available, the petals and/or seeds of the sunflower...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Making a Gypsy Medicine Bag 

Last Day of Wealthy Week

Saturday, December 02, 2006

This is the last day of Wealthy Week. Tonight we burn a green candle, saying "Thank you for the money I have already received form the invisible world." Leave the candle to burn down and extinguish itself. Now you can gather up the coins and use them however you wish.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Wealthy Week – day 7 

Wealthy Week Day Six

Friday, December 01, 2006

This is day six of Wealthy Week, only one more day of colored candles and coins and then we are on to something new and different. A variety of objects will be needed for Sunday, I don't think any of them will be hard to find.

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Wealthy Week – day 6 

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