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Out with the old

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If you think deeply about the start of any period of bad luck, you will find that there is some object that you acquired round about then or that you used or wore quite a lot. Maybe it is something that brings back recollections of an unhappy event. It can be an ornament, an item of clothing, a photograph, or even a kitchen utensil.

Place the said object near the back door of the house. Then, using a broom, and starting at the top of the house or in the room furthest from the back door, sweep each room in turn, working in a counter clockwise direction. As you work, visualize darkness being swept away in front of you. The darkness is black heavy clouds of bad luck. It can't resist your broom. While you sweep, say....

..... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Out with the old 


Anonymous said...

What an interesting spell! It's got everything. Releasing, venting, clearing, banishing, cleansing, brightening, renewing...

I think this would be a really great ritual for new years eve.. and so that's when I am going to do it. I think I might even try to time it so that out with the old happens before midnight and in with the new happens after midnight.

Not only that, but I think it would be a great way to begin the feng shui month.

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