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Making a Gypsy Medicine Bag

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Parik-til is the Gypsy version of a medicine bag. To create a parik-til, a small drawstring pouch is made in the appropriate color for the intended purpose. Into this goes various little objects: herbs, stones, feathers, sometimes a charm or piece of paper inscribed with a simple spell. This list is endless; it is only important that the objects seem sympathetic to your purpose.

Collect leaves and twigs of the oak tree, including a small acorn if available, the petals and/or seeds of the sunflower...

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved. I have a new website,, and The Prosperity Project is currently in the process of moving in over there. Here's a link to this particular post: Making a Gypsy Medicine Bag 


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly! It's a full moon!!

Well, I dropped the ball on this one. Came home yesterday morning (I work nights) took care of the dogs, checked my email, went to bed.. and didn't wake up until the next morning.. oops! A whole day - just gone. So today I will be collecting oak leaves and twigs and doing my magick shopping for the rest of the month.

I am hoping Saskia will have her phone on today, and can log on. She has lots of interesting stuff to share. The Gypsy Magic seems to be working good for her.

As for me, I have so far gotten almost everything I originally asked for. My bills are paid and I have extra in the bank, I got my printer, and I am feeling good about money... The only thing left is good christmas presents for my family and friends.

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