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Another 27 Fling Boogie

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Declutter activity for today:
Today, we are doing the “27-Fling Boogie!”

  • Grab a trash bag and run through the house as fast as you can and dispose of 27 items.
  • Put the bag in the trash.
  • Do not look through it.
  • Don’t re-clutter your home – De-Clutter!

I know there are still things in your house that you are nostalgically holding onto that don’t truly serve your highest self! You know what those things are! Take a quick gut check – can you get rid of one of those things today and still feel all right with the world? If so, just DO IT!

Art by Brandon Streiff

The point is to do this as quickly as possible so we are not spending more time than necessary decluttering and we can get to the fun stuff in our day.

From: Sink Reflections
by Marla Cilley


Anonymous said...

I am going to try using our little timer, and run around my little office and do this one today.

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