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Finding your center

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Declutter activity for today:

Stand in the center of your home for a moment and close your eyes. Feel what this area is telling you. What needs to happen here to bring balance and improvement in your life? Let this area tell you what needs to be done. Does it need de-cluttering? A general tidying up? Do things need to be put away, or brought out from hiding? Once you have a sense of what this area is asking for, set your timer for 5 minutes and do it. That's it, we're done de-cluttering for today.

This beautiful mandala is by Paul Heussenstamm, I thought it would help us get centered for today's de-cluttering exercise.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hey guys wow! We have just passed the 1000 mark in terms of visits to this site, and we only just started in October. Isn't that cool?

Leo said...

Good post! Check out my post on decluttering:

Zen Mind: How to Declutter

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Thanks Leo. I checked out your post on decluttering. It's great! Thanks for sharing the link.

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