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Get your career moving

Monday, January 22, 2007

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a symbol

Water is the element for this area. An aquarium, a fountain, or a vase of good clean water will do. Symbolic water works too – a snowy scene in a picture, a watercolor painting, starfish, or seashells work great here.

The shape of water is free-form and undulating, so any shape will work, except for square shapes (which symbolize earth, and we don’t want earth damming up our free-flowing water.)

Mirrors equal water (and they let you see how fabulous you look dressed for your new career!) Place the mirror at a level where you can look yourself in the eye and see your entire head, so you will get ahead in business.

Glass is another water element – vases, aquariums, fish bowls, stemware.

Metal of any kind works here, as well as round items – coins, bells, plant pots, light fixtures.

Hang symbols here of the Life Path you want to be on. If you want to be in the music industry, pipe music into this area, or place instruments or CDs here. If you want to be a stockbroker, a picture of Wall Street or a copy of the Wall Street Journal should be here. While you are adding symbols of your life path, be sure to remove pictures of things you would never want to do in your life.

Two activities to help the energy in your Career area:

Place some uncooked rice in a bowl. Take all the miscellaneous change you accumulate each day and place it in the bowl. Do this for thirty days. After thirty days is up, count up all the change, and give 10% to your favorite charity or a homeless person.

Write down the things you think you want out of life, or the things you think you need to begin a career, on pieces of paper – one item per paper. Fold up the papers and place them in a bowl, and stir them with a big spoon or your hand each day for nine days. All of your intentions and requests that once did not have any chi behind them will now be enlivened and start to work for you because you are stirring them up.


Anonymous said...

Ok... I have an aquarium, I just need to find some kind of a stand, and I can do this. It might be fun to have fish again.

I took down the pictures I had in this area - one was an alien monster (LOL), and two were from my Middle of the Night Art series depicting me being stepped on, and me totally absorbed in everything EXCEPT work.

I used to have a cool wolf poster there, but I guess a "wolf at the door" is not such a good idea either. So I will have to look for something appropriate to put on the wall.

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hey guys. Over at Gypsy Magic there is a spell that looks really alot like the feng shui cure here.

I found it in my Madame Fortuna files, and posted it this morning. Go check it out.

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