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Remove Hazards from Helpful People and Travel Area

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Feng Shui activity for today:
Remove hazardous elements from the Helpful People & Travel area:

Take a moment to stop and see where all your help is coming from. Trace the road money travels to get to you.

Helpful people do not want to hang around a bunch of junk. A mess in this area of the house gives helpful people obstacles to negotiate, so get rid of the junk!

Drains may undermine the support you need to prosper. Tie a red ribbon or red tape around the outgoing pipe to stop your chi from flowing away, and place mirrors in the area to keep the chi up.

Dust and dirt, broken items, trash cans, toilets, reminders of bad times don’t belong here.
From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter

You don't want your helpful friends to have to navigate a road like this one!


Anonymous said...

What a great picture! My helpful friends area doesn't look quite that bad. My helpful friends area is comprised of a long hallway ending at a small bathroom. Since I still don't have a dryer, I usually hang all my wet clothes on the shower rod that goes across the bathtub. I do try to keep the toilet lid closed. But I am not sure what effect the laundry has. It is the "neatest" place to hang it, and I do keep the bathroom door closed most of the time. Maybe I need to put a picture of something really cool and helpful on the door.. like the "highway to heaven" or something. What do you guys think?

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