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Remove hazards to your career

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Removing hazardous elements from your Career area:

Get rid of any dirt in this area. When you mix dirt and water, you get mud! Pictures of mountains and clay pots can even muddy up the water. No squares either, since squares represent earth (which is made of dirt…) The same goes for earth-tone-colored items.

Remove pictures from this area of anything you would never want to do in your life.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Sorry to be so late posting this morning. I decided to sleep in.

Anonymous said...

I did this one already. I think I posted about it a couple of days ago. I also took the excercize bike out of that area too. I think it made a definite difference.

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