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Day Seventeen - Receiving

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In my inbox this morning was this little meditation about receiving. It felt particularly appropriate for me today, so I decided to share it.

Let-go of complaining.
Complaining is a desire-obsessed attitude.
Focus on what you receive.
Even if it is only the smallest thing, just a particle of bliss, pay attention.
Be mindful of it.
Isn't this what you would like to see grow? Nurture, keep remembering, rejoice in it again and again.

When and Where:
When you talk about the ray of happiness inside of you, you are also giving the other person an opportunity to search for the same in their life.
When you bring news of happiness it grows, and waves of joy will start rolling in the other person's heart too.

You will be surprised: the more you remember and rejoice, the more it will keep on growing.
And tell others about what you have received, because then your perceptions become more manifest and clearer to you too.

this was my weekly meditation from


Anonymous said...

I sure don't do this often enough! As a matter of fact, this morning as I am working at it, I find that for every little gem of gratitude and bliss that I focus on - a hundred other things come running through my mind to make me stop it. Now that's interesting! Why do I find it so difficult to allow myself to be grateful and happy?

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Hi Shelly. Thanks for the invite. I did go to your site, and have submitted the prosperity project. You can find a link to weblog-index in the right sidebar under "credits". Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

I try to be grateful about the little things like walking to school with the sun on my face sipping a homemade cappucino ,,,just smelling the buzz of spring.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I would be extremely grateful if that little "OK" button on today's post was actually working!!

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