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Day Two: Now what?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This morning I had an idea and acted on it. I am curious to see what will come of it. The idea came to me that it might be beneficial to go to Craig's List and see what opportunities were available for us there.

Here is what I found:
  1. Art Magazine Seeks Advertisments From Artists of All Genres
  2. Good cause - show off/donate your art
  3. East Crossroads Gallery looking for Artists
  4. Get Your Work Seen
  5. Wanted: Girls Baby Clothes - Sizes 24 Mo. and 2T
  6. Newsmagazine Seeking Freelance Writers for our Urban Traveler Section
  7. Freelance writer needed
  8. Freelance Greeting Card Writers Wanted
  9. Painter Wanted
  10. Magazine Art & Design
  11. Armed Officers Wanted
  12. Human Resources Department Openings
There is quite a lot more listed, but I think this makes for a good start. Oh, and I almost forgot, be sure to check this listing out. It's the one I put up this morning. Go see it here.


Anonymous said...

I applied for one of those craigslist want ads, and submitted our art website to another. I got going on the first idea that came to me when we started this project and think most of it is figured out. Then, I found a cool thing that may make our adsense make more maybe things will keep going like this. i intend for them to! :)

Anonymous said...

I spent all day working on my dog advice blog that I think will make me some money when I get it up and running. And then I spent some time looking at ways to make adsense pay off. I did not check out the craig's list jobs yet, and I do intend to do that tomorrow morning.

How about anyone else? Is it just me and Michelle here today?

Anonymous said...

I also would like some feedback on my dog blog idea.

Here is the idea: I thought that I could make a very small website with information about my dog training skills and credentials, my fees for private dog training lessons, and also a link to the Expert Dog Advice blog.

The Expert Dog Advice site would be a place where all the information I have on training dogs is presented in a simple blog format. I had originally thought to offer it as a free service and then hope for adsense and affiliate revenue.. but someone suggested that I make it available only to paying customers..

for example: $4.95 per month for unlimited access to all of my dog training information.. but wait there's more.. with the option to comment and ask questions.. but wait there's more.. and get real time answers to those questions from an expert.

So what do you guys think? Pay site or free site? $4.95 a month? or $10 lifetime membership? or something different?

The website would have an ad for the blog, and a paypal button. It would also be a way for people to access information if they wanted a real person to help them with their problem dog.

And I could put that web address on a business card, and put that business card in appropriate places.. like Heavenly Pets. I could also promote the website on Craig's list, and various other places.

An ad in the paper would probably be too expensive right now, but eventually I might be able to afford it..

So, what do you guys think? Good idea? sucky idea? How can I make it better?

Do you want to see the dog site? I can send you an invite.. currently it's under construction and open by invitation only... so if you want to take a look and make suggestions, I'll be happy to send an invitation to you, just let me know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, I would be interested in hearing more about the sweepstakes, and how you go about doing it, etc.

I like the 100 repetitions idea.. I think I'll try it.

Cindy H said...

Coincindentally enough, I have a job interview in the morning (Thursday) with an attorney's office and I saw their want ad on the Craig's List webpage last week! So it seems like we are all thinking alike, anyway! I have sent out literally DOZENS of applications and resumes through the US government,,, etc and only have 2 inquiries and neither of those inquiries offered anywhere near the pay I needed. I talked to this attorney's office today and attempted to "prequalify" them and she didn't seem to think money would be an issue, so we will see! One of my problems is everyone wants to know why in the world I would leave the hospital, it's supposedly such a "GREAT" place to work and it is hard to answer that without putting them down!

Melissa, what exactly is your million dollar affirmation? I would like to start doing that, too, but didn't know if something was already "worded" that maybe I missed.

Good luck to everybody. I will try to post every day - it looks like I'm actually posting today on yesterday's date, so hopefully someone will see this.

Anonymous said...

So far I have had no money making ideas come to mind. The only real thing that has come to mind is that I deserve more than what I have in life. I would like to say that this affirmation reminds me to much of our prayer exp and what someone at silent unity would say. I don't like it.

Anonymous said...

Daniel...what would you say instead tht would get the same point out into the universe while supporting the others in the project?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I believe just pursuing what you love as a way of giving to the world will help. Eventually the money will come.

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