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Casting Spells

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Goddess Fortuna
by Jean Francois Armand Felix Bernard

This is the first day of the new moon, and a perfect opportunity to pull out our Gypsy Magic spells for luck and good fortune. Here are the links:

These spells can all be done at your leisure during the next several days.


Sometimes, the best new beginnings are the ones we conscientiously give to ourselves. On April 17, 2007, you'll have the perfect opportunity to start fresh on your goals with the New Moon as your aid and inspiration!

The Moon is new when it moves into perfect alignment between the Sun and Earth. When this happens, the illuminated side of the Moon faces the Sun. The other side of the Moon, as seen from Earth, is dark. In simple terms, the Moon is new when it can't be seen. As ominous as this dark Moon sounds, you couldn't ask for a more ideal time to get started on a new venture!

Moon Info by Jamie Nishi
Published: 04/17/2007


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Wow. I love that picture so much that I went and found it at Amazon and linked it. I think I'll put it on my wish list.

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