I think we need to plan how we can give the universe a really good opportunity and lots of avenues for our million dollars to come to us. I am pretty sure that my "day job" employer is not going to suddenly give me a raise of a million dollars, and I don't know about you guys, but I am ready for my million. I'd like to have it BEFORE I'm incontinent and in a walker and driving the assisted living nurses insane.
So, when Melissa and I met for lunch the other day, one of the things we talked about was next month's project. Melissa has graciously offered to enter us all in a number of sweepstakes, and we both thought it might be good to use some Gypsy Magic spells, and anything else we can come up with to try to win the lottery.
The postage for the sweepstakes entries will come to about $8 per person. I had hoped that we could use revenues from the Prosperity Project ads and affiliates for stuff like this, but so far we do not have enough accumulated for me to even get a check. Our Spring Garage sale will put some money in the cookie jar, but that's not until May. And we need something for the first of April which is right around the corner!
What we came up with was an eBay fund raiser. If each of us donated an item to auction on eBay, we could send Melissa the profits and she could apply that money to postage for our sweepstakes entries.
What do you guys think? We could either put items up for auction separtately, and I could make a paypal button for Melissa and post it here, and as the items sell, we could forward the money to Melissa's pay pal account. Or, you could send me pictures and other pertinent details and I could put the items on eBay and forward the money to Melissa.Or maybe there's another way to do this that I haven't thought of? An eBay evening where we all get together with our items and list them right then and there? Whatever we decide, keep in mind that the best time for an eBay auction to end is on a Sunday late afternoon and/or evening.
I thought that if we each put at least one item up for auction, we might be able to come up with enough to cover the cost of the postage for the sweepstakes entries. And if not, we can all chip in. And if someone didn't have anything for eBay, they could just send the $8 to Melissa...
So, we need feedback on this idea.. Lots of comments, suggestions, etc. And then we need to get started.
Lives are snowflakes
“Lives are snowflakes - forming patterns we have seen before, as like one
another as peas in a pod (and have you ever looked at peas in a pod? I
mean, real...
I sort of like the idea of the e-bay party. That sounds fun! And I like that there is the option of someone just putting in the $8 if they opted to do that instead. But the e-bay party and everyone attending learning how to do an auction sounds neat and a good way to start out a new month- because once we have the knowledge to auction something, if we want to learn, we can continue to do it with other things if we want! So count me in whatever everyone decides. Thanks, Melissa, for being willing to do so much work for a month, that sounds like a huge undertaking! Maybe we could have a get together for that, instead, where we all get together and help her fill out the envelopes, etc. I'm still open to having something/anything at my house in Raytown. Or we could meet again at a coffee house. Let's see some ideas be generated here.
An ebay party does sound fun. I wonder if we would all be able to find an afternoon or an evening when we could get together and do that.
I also like the idea of getting together at a coffee house and filling out our own sweepstakes entries.
I am open (usually) for getting together on monday and tuesday nights. Sometimes wednesday evenings work for me.
What does anyone else think?
I think I am going to leave this post up for another day so we can hopefully generate more talk and ideas about it.
Tuesday evenings sound good to me... What should we plan to do? Is that a good day for you, Cindy?
How about Daniel? Michelle? Saskia? anyone else?
Tuesday evenings are fine with me. We could all just give Melissa the postage money in cash the night we get together and go ahead and do the sweepstakes party, and then those who want to sell something on e-bay can just be paying themslves back. If we just do the e-bay thing, that's delaying the sweeepstakes idea until everyone has their money for postage. What does everyone think? We can do it at my house in Raytown or we can meet at a coffee house again in Lee's Summit, or any other suggestions??
I have a digital camera, and I can bring it. I also have the photo software that can compress any pictures for the web, so that our eBay images won't be really slow to load. I'll be happy to take the pictures, and process them, and do whatever.
As for a coffee house, I like that idea a lot. Now we just need to decide when and where to get together.
i know i have been lax in replying to this....sorry....i really hope that i will be able to come. it will just be someone will have to come up with a date and i will just try my best to find a sitter. i'm always up for anyplace that has coffee and a public restroom....and table space would be handy. i'm not sure if i have anything for ebay yet, but i can give melissa $8. do we need to do that before we get together or can it be brought to the event?
It occurs to me that we need to separate the Sweepstakes thing and the eBay party. I don't think we will be able to do both in one night. It sounds like too much.
For eBay, we will need access to a computer and the internet. Plus we will need to bring our items to have them photographed etc. That sounds more like a pizza and beer afternoon to me.
What do you guys think? Sweepstakes first? Can we all come up with the postage money? Our adSense is up to $33 but I won't see any of it until a month after it reaches $100 - so it really isn't useable for anything yet.
And don't forget we have a garage sale coming up the first of May. Melissa, do you need any help getting ready for that?
For the sweepstakes party, how about Tuesday April 24th at 7 p.m.? We could meet at that same coffee house in Lee's Summit.
For the ebay party, could we do it the following week?
I still need to clear the clutter out of my garage. When it gets closer to the date for the sale, let's get together and get the items ready. I was thinking we could consider NOT putting prices on the items, and everything can be "Negotiable" or "Best Offer". We might make more money that way. It's worth considering.
The $8 is for stamps so I can mail all the entries from my lucky mailbox, so you can just bring it with you to the sweepstakes party (or you can bring a book of stamps if you prefer). Over half of the prizes I've won have been with just one or two entries, so I know we have a good chance of winning something! I won a trip to Vail, Colorado with just one entry. I kept track of every single sweepstakes entry I sent for 5 solid years and discovered that one particular mailbox brought in more prizes than anywhere else, so that's where I'll mail our entries from. Anything to add a little extra luck! Maybe Shirley can come up with a Gypsy Magic spell for adding luck to our entries.
Sounds good to me. I like that it gives us plenty of time to make arrangements to be there. I wonder what the moon phase will be then.. waxing or waning...
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