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Putting God First - an overview

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Let us go to God for the joy of experiencing God and then see what God does."

Here is an overview of our 30 day project of going to our "source" by Putting God First .

The prayer that propelled this project into action is from Practicing the Presence with Joel Goldsmith and can be found here.

If you would like to try this project for yourself, you can start on Day 1, and then continue on through Day 30: posting your thoughts, ideas, results, joys, and disappointments as you go. This is an active blog, and if you post, we will notice and reply.. and give you the benefit of our own experience and our support if it seems pertinent or appropriate.

You can find complete listing of the day by day links at the bottom of this post.

The basic summary of our results by each participant is posted here: Wrapping Things Up

We do have a recommended reading list inclusive of all of our projects. If you are interested in expanding your understanding, you can find it here: Recommended reading.

Because I enjoyed this project so much, I created a small blog featuring beautiful photographs and inspirational poetry and quotes. As Within is updated irregularly, and eventually all of the posts here will also be found there as well. So, if you enjoy the images and the quotes, you might want to visit As Within to see what else I may have found to share.

Here is the complete listing of the daily posts for the God First 30 day project:

Day 1: Say quietly to God...
Day 2: The same stream of life...
Day 3: Within man...
Day 4: Self is everywhere...
Day 5: Are you looking for me...
Day 6: Every one is looking...
Day 7: Holy Spirit...
Day 8: All that matters...
Day 9: Let your thoughts flow...
Day 10: A billion stars...
Day 11: We need to find God...
Day 12: With your feet I walk...
Day 13: Oh love...
Day 14: Oh my beloved Adonai...
Day 15: God deposited within human beings...
Day 16: In the morning...
Day 17: If you are seeking closeness...
Day 18: Oh Friend...
Day 19: You do not have to struggle...
Day 20: Wherever I go...
Day 21: A human being is...
Day 22: I see now...
Day 23: Worn out garments...
Day 24: I go amoung the trees...
Day 25: Zen Story
Day 26: Between the conscious and the unconscious...
Day 27: Unnameable God...
Day 28: Here I am Father...
Day 29: The Golden God...
Day 30: The peace of God...


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Ok... I finally got that done!

Anonymous said...

You did a lot of really hard work getting all of this together as always, TwoFeathers....i think you have given a very important portal to your community to experiment spiritually, and in the process have compiled a great deal of very helpful information for anyone on a spiritual search. what a neat thing to do, just out of the fire of your own spirit. thank you!

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