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Have you got what it takes?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

We've got billions in our virtual banking accounts... but do you really have what it takes to be a billionaire? Take the quiz at Forbes. I did, and here's my score:

Looks like I need to take some lessons from Bill Gates, currently the world's richest man. His net worth listed at Fobres is $56,000,000,000. Not bad for someone who didn't even finish college.


Anonymous said...

i have loved playing this game. we have so much virtual money, that i can't even think of ways to spend it except help people who need it more than me. So i have decided that i will set up a grant program out of the interest alone from my money. then, i will jsut keep on thinking of great charitable causes to donate to, and make sure i have enough to last my whole life. I think it will. i think even with that much money, i would still be frugal. i think. i might buy a big house boat first....

Anonymous said...

I took the Forbes quiz and got 40 out of 100 - then I took it again and answered just one question differently and got 60 out of 100, which said I was "Rich"! It said I would have tens of millions of dollars. I am so ready for that!!!

Shirley Twofeathers said...

Wow, Melissa! It looks like you learn from experience. I, on the other hand did WORSE when I retook the quiz.

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