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Look what I found!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Here's The Prosperity Game as played by someone else. I do not know if the game is still active and ongoing. I was tempted to sign up for it just to find out. And it's possible that I will. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I thought it was really interesting the way they set it up. Check it out:

Signup for the Online Prosperity Game
Online Prosperity Game Features:

  • Personalized checks - How much fun is it to see a check with your own name on it?
  • Play at your own pace - Play every day or skip a day or two - it is up to you. The automated game proceeds via "visits" instead of days so that you can play at your own pace.
  • Focus on Energetic Alignment - Step-by-step approach to game play supports you in becoming a better vibrational match to prosperity.
  • Automated tracking - our system records and reminds you of your selections - including the ongoing creation of your list of "100 Things to Be, Do and Have", graphic representations of how your desire and resistance change over time, as well as your daily purchases. Signup for the Online Prosperity Game

The online game is free, and there is also a downloadable handbook in both word and pdf format. As well as some other free stuff. Clearly, the website is centered around signing people up for their mentoring or coaching program, and also book sales etc. However, I think it might be worth a try for anyone who wants to give this the Prosperity Game another go. There is also a blog, but it hadn't been updated this month, so I'm not sure how active it is.


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