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I'm back!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hi guys! Well, it's been a while since I've been online. It looks like we have amassed an amazing amount of money in the interim, so here's a picture of the world's largest piggy bank.

How much have you been able to spend so far? Did anyone notice at what point it became impossible to spend it all? Has anyone succeeded in spending all of it?


Anonymous said...

i have just saved it....this is funny, because we were supposed to spend it. but once i got my gird, my house paid off, my new vehicle and camper, and gave all my friends and family a million dollars.....i guess i just didn't need anything else...i can't think of what i would spend it on. i would just save it. i guess i was happy with what we had at day 15 and the rest is big gravy!

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to spend any of it yet because I am having this huge block to writing an actual check. So, today I am taking this deposit and writing checks. Real checks like Jim Carrey wrote... I'll let you all know how much is left over after I do that.

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