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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mantras involve chanting to create special vibrations, sounds of the universe that create something from nothingness, that move energy from the unmanifest to the manifest.

If you recite a mantra out loud, its special pattern of vibrations creates its own effects, and can create events in our current physical realm. Reciting the mantra mentally creates a mental vibration, which then becomes more abstract. Ultimately it takes you into the field of pure consciousness or spirit from where the vibration arose.

So a mantra is a very good way to transcend and go back to the source of thought, which is pure consciousness. This is why specific mantras are recommended - because of the specific vibrations they induce.

The mantra I use, and that I recommend for achieving synchrodestiny, is the simple mantra "so-hum." This is the mantra of the breath, if you observe your breathing you'll hear "so-hum" as air moves in and out of your lungs. As you inhale, the sound of that vibration is "so." And as you exhale, the sound becomes "hum."

With your eyes closed, inhale and think the word "so"; on the exhale, think the word "hum." Gradually, both the breath and the sound will become quieter and quieter and quiter, and the breath becomes so quiet that it almost seems to stop. By quieting your breath, you quiet your mind.

When you transcend, the mantra "so-hum" entirely disappears, and your breath pauses momentarily. Time itself comes to a stop and y ou're in the field of pure consciousness, the nonlocal domain, spirit, the ground of being.

~from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire
by Deepak Chopra


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