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Rich Women

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

If I have counted correctly, we are today depositing $66,453,504,000.00 Yowsers! It's hard to believe that there could even BE that much money coming to me from anywhere! So I got curious about who is rich and just how rich are they. When I asked Google, "Who is the richest woman in the world?" this is what I found out:

According to the most recent Forbes magazine ranking, two women currently share the title, and they're related. Alice Walton (56), daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, is worth roughly 18 billion bucks. Alice lives in Texas, where she raises horses.

Helen Walton (85), the widow of Sam, was also good for lunch, with an estimated net worth of $18 billion. She currently resides in heaven, her final resting place after her death on April 20, 2007

Liliane Bettencourt (82), the daughter of L'Oreal founder Eugene Schueller, is the next lady on the list, with approximately 17.2 billion. She lives in France, where she awards a science prize every year.

Nine of the world's fifty richest people are women. The richest self-made woman in the world is Rosalia Mera (61) of Spain, who is worth approximately $2 billion. She started off making gowns and lingerie in her home. Her business eventually grew into the apparel manufacturer Inditex, which sold $6 billion worth of clothes last year.

And what about Oprah? According to Forbes, the media mogul is worth around $1.3 billion. Not too shabby, but still a ways behind the Walton women.


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