The doors open
Not just a crack, but fully open and wide
And the wind blows through
Drapes billow out in the fresh breeze
Opening, opening
One door after another, one window after another
The breeze is fresh and new
As it blows through
I feel the cleansing, blowing freshness
I am like one of the billowing curtains, sheer and diaphanous,
Beauty and love flowing and blowing
Clean and pure on the air
I stand now on the open plains
Where the breeze blows across the land
And the whole world is like a grassland unending
As far as the eye can see open, open
Open and unobstructed
All barriers down
All obstacles removed
My translucent hand reaches out and forms life from air
Air like clay that can be molded
Matter formed by my own translucent being
Air full of life and love
Yes, love,
Love is the clay
Love is the artist and the art itself
Love is the clay and the potter
Love is the hand that forms and the form that results
And the freedom that blows is a freedom to create
And here at the heart is my own beating heart
That beats in tune with your own
The coming and going of timeless time
The coming and going of formless form
We ask: Is it now?
Is it now to move, to form, to be in this wondrous opening?
And the answer flies back across the plains, as swift as that breeze,
No, no, swifter
As fast as the blink of an eye, it comes
Yes, yes
The time is now
The energy is here now
The open blowing moving forming of the formless into being
This is now
And the fresh air of being is now
Reach out your hand of love
Grab the freshening air and form it
The world is molded to your own thinking, being, intending hand
A light glows and comes toward you
See it fill the air
The moment is now for the forming
The moment is now for creation
The world is yours to shape and form
You are the light
You are the love
You are the artist, the creator
We are the light, we are the love
We are the creators
Blowing and open and new
I am
We are
Life is
~Carrie Hart
June 2007
htat is so awesome!!!
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