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Wow! Is it over all ready?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

free image hostI don't know about you guys, but I really loved this project. It was simple, it was fun, and now it's time to take inventory and share our thoughts about how effective it was (or wasn't) and all that good stuff. Please take the next few minutes to answer the following questions.

  1. Did you work the project every day?
  2. What were your favorite exercises?
  3. What did you learn about yourself? anything?
  4. Did your finances improve?
  5. Did your life change in any significant way?
  6. What is better? What isn't better?
  7. Would you recommend this particular project to others? If so, why? If not, why not?
  8. Did you enjoy the money desktop wallpapers?
  9. What else would you like to say?

Would You Rather Be Rich … Or Right?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Alright, so we all have our pet beliefs about this, that, or the other.

We can get pretty entrenched and defend these beliefs – even in the face of ALL OF REALITY rising up against us and trying to show us most practically that we are making a big mistake here!

So here’s our 60 second exercise.

What do you “believe”, that if you changed your mind on it and accepted the evidence of reality, would really, REALLY help you get rich much, much quicker?

It doesn’t matter what it is or why you are “clinging” to that belief, and I’m not even asking you to change it in any way, I just want you to consider that question honestly.

“There’s a HUGE difference between “the truth” and what people believe.”

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A Simple Wealth Breathing Exercise

Thursday, May 29, 2008

This is really simple but VERY effective.

For the next 60 seconds, breathe in “wealth”, deeply and slowly, hold your breath for a short time, and when you breathe out, you release “old stale energies” that held you back.

Makes you feel really different, doesn’t it.

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Wealth Power Animal Totem

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Magic throughout the ages has called on the sheer power and life force of animals; and it is not just the ol’ Native Americans who had an eagle or such for their "power animal" and sported it on their national emblems.

In a moment, sit back and consider what animal might be the perfect "wealth power animal totem" for you personally, and let something come to you.

Take 60 seconds to contemplate this animal, and how its energy can help you RIGHT NOW so that you can connect and act better to gain your wealth, and your own power.

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Money Money Money!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Take a piece of paper and write on it, MONEY, three times.

The first time, write it quite small, then the next bigger and the third the biggest of all.

Fold the piece of paper, put it in your pocket and forget all about it as you go on with the day’s work.

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Ten Steps To Wealth

Monday, May 26, 2008

This is a basic visualisation exercise which is very neat to do for real when you come down a flight of steps. For now, imagine you’re standing at the top of a flight of steps and for each step, we’ll make a wealth affirmation.

I am ready for wealth!
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

Wealth is my birthright.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

I achieve wealth easily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

Wealth comes to me readily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

I invite wealth to come into all I do.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

Wealth is my partner and my friend.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

Wealth is joyous and delightful.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

Wealth enters into all and every aspect of my life.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.

I am on my way to wealth …
Now take a deep breath and JUMP off the last step and onto the next level:

Clap your hands and give yourself a round of applause!

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So Tell Me What You Want …

Sunday, May 25, 2008

One of the many ways we manage to talk ourselves out of desires and achievements is the thought of, "Oh BUT I don't know how ..."

It happened again yesterday with someone who blatantly wanted something BUT (godawful word! should be stricken from the dictionary!) wouldn't even ADMIT to wanting it - BECAUSE they had no idea how to get it.

So in order to alleviate disappointment, it's better not to want it at all, right?

If you don't WANT something, or you don't ALLOW YOURSELF TO WANT SOMETHING, how the HELL are you ever going to get it?

It's a structural impossibility!

So to the rescue comes the handy thought that in order to WANT something, you DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW ***HOW*** that could be possibly achieved.

That's a different topic, a different matter, and has NOTHING to do with the wanting of something.

I want to see the Earth from space, for example.
BUT ... I'm too old, not rich enough, it's impossible!

(kicks the but up the butt, and the but flies out of the window, never to return)

I really do.

And THAT, as they say, is my birthright as a human being - to WANT THINGS, TO WANT EXPERIENCES, TO DESIRE.

Now, it's YOUR turn.

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The Wise Old Aunt …

Saturday, May 24, 2008

… well or it could be an old uncle, a grandfather or such, take your pick.

For the next sixty seconds, YOU are going to become your own wise old aunt, and YOU will give yourself some good advice.

You know, the kind of thing that you should really be told, and that you should listen to, and you have been wanting to hear that for a while but no-one’s told you.
Put this wise advice in an email to yourself and send it to yourself, so you can receive it, read it, and possibly print it out for future reference.

Do it NOW …

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A Simple Blessing

Friday, May 23, 2008

23 is a special number.

Today, you don’t have to do anything at all because today, I will just simply send you a blessing.

I might not know who you are,
And I might never meet you,
But I know that you come from the Creative Order,
And that YOU are endowed with EVERYTHING it takes
To be successful and HAPPY in this life.
I wish YOU from the very bottom of my heart,
And with all I have to give,
That your best dreams
WILL come true for you;
That you WILL find that which you are seeking,
And that what life will bring for you,
Should be even better still than that,
and hold along the way,
many wonderful surprises.

So shall it be!

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Pour Out Those Troubles …

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We’re going to make a thoughtfield!

In a moment, hold out your hands in front of you, as though you were holding a sphere the size of a small melon.

Into this sphere, I want you to pour all your troubles, all your cares, all your worries and all those things that swirl around in the back of our minds and make our thinking unclear and our motivation murky.

Let them all pour into this amazing container – thoughts, pictures, feelings, people, bills, the past, the future, all of it. It’s quick once it gets going.

When you have poured in all your current cares, take the sphere in both hands, lift it up high over your head and throw it behind you.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the clarity of forward vision that this brings.

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These Wealthy Hands

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

This is fun, kinaesthetic and brings our whole body to this wealth and happiness party. Even if you’re not feeling on top of the world today, have a go – I promise it will cheer you up.

Touch your head with your hands and think or say:

This is my clever, wealthy head. This is the head of a very rich man!

Continue on and make it up as you touch your self:

Acute ears, listening out for opportunity and success!
Brilliant eyes that see abundance in all things!
A wealthy nose for success!
My rich mouth, tasting the very best the world has to offer!
My strong shoulders and my powerful arms, ready to embrace my riches!
Productive, industrious wealthy hands and fingers!
A stomach for ingesting and digesting wealth and prosperity!
A rich man’s bottom!
Rich, rich legs, walking me towards a fantastic future on abundant feet!

How’s that?
You can play this under the shower too and add as many body parts as you desire ☺

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Music For Success

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Music is a powerful motivator, anchor and stimulant.

In a moment, think about a song that motivates you particularly, that has a bright energy which will help you work. Think of it, hum it or whistle it briefly so we know what we’re doing.

Now, make a list of ten songs that motivate you.
That’s the exercise for today!

Of course, you can make a “success playlist” for yourself, or sing, hum and whistle any of your favourites any time to give you an instant boost.

Count Your Blessings

Monday, May 19, 2008

Today, we’ll have something easy and very pleasant.

Simply think of ten things that you are blessed with, right here, right now.

This may be as simple as “my eyesight” or “a computer on which I can read my email”, or as profound as “my soul” or “a bright new morning full of wonders still to come”, it doesn’t really matter.

Just count your blessings, one for each finger of your hands!

Take a deep breath between each one and … enjoy!

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The Last 24 Hours

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time management usually wants us to look forward and decide before it has happened, what we’ll be doing.

This usually leads to a lot of failure and disappointment, because real life doesn’t work like a “master plan” – there’s always something to derail the best laid plans and the best intentions.

So for today’s 60 seconds wealth booster, I want you to think of something you did yesterday, that was important and you’re glad you did it, because it moved your life ON in the right direction.

Remember what that was, and why it was important, and use THAT to help you focus your mind on what you should be concentrating on for maximum effect.

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60 Second Stress Buster

Saturday, May 17, 2008

This is a good technique to get you FLOWING – thinking better, breathing better, more energy and a whole lot less stress.


Put your attention on your body, on your physical feelings for a moment.
Do you feel any tension, any discomfort anywhere?

Slowly track through your body and breathe deeply as you do this.

Now, let your attention become like a soothing warm shower that gently massages and unlocks, loosens, makes these tensions simply dissolve and flow away.

Let them flow out and away, with gravity, down your legs, out of your fingertips, rushing down your spine and falling over your shoulders.

Now, and for the last ten seconds, change the water to be cooler, sparkling, revitalising, refreshing, charging through you and making you tingle all over.

Ready for work!

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If … Then …

Friday, May 16, 2008

Do you have a drink handy?

Did you know that when you eat or drink anything, whatever you are eating or drinking will become a part of your structure – this cannot be undone.

So today, we’re going to use the amazing “If …Then …” magic pattern from Living Energy and this is what you do.

Pick up your drink and realise that once you take a sip and swallow, this cannot be undone.

Say out aloud:

1. “If I drink from this, that will mean that I will become truly wealthy MUCH QUICKER than I had ever expected.”

Take a drink! Take your time and feel the drink going down.

Take a deep breath and continue with these, just the same:

2. “If I drink from this, that will mean that I will become truly wealthy MUCH EASIER than I ever thought I could.”

Finally, there’s Number …

3. “If I drink from this, that will mean that I’m going to enjoy being wealthy MUCH MORE than I ever thought I would.”

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Wishing Well

Thursday, May 15, 2008

In a moment, take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Imagine you are walking towards a magical wishing well, and in your hand, you hold a special coin that you will throw to make a wish.

This *is* a special POWER COIN so as you walk towards the radiant, sparkling well just the right kind of wish for you to make will come to you.

Make your wish, kiss the coin, throw into the well.

Turn around, open and your eyes and continue with your day.

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I’m Right Behind You!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is a GREAT exercise!

Today, you have 60 seconds to write yourself an ENCOURAGING EMAIL and post it to yourself!

You know EXACTLY what YOU LOVE to hear, what will motivate you on this day to really go for it and make the most of what you’ve got.

Do this now, the 60 seconds start from the moment you start writing.

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More Money, More Success

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

There’s a world of difference between thinking, “I need to get some money” (because I have NO MONEY!) and thinking, “I need some MORE money”.

No matter how little money you have, or how few your sales, if you have ever sold anything at all, or you have just one coin in your pocket, you are one of those lucky, lucky few who not only already HAVE sales and money – BUT THEY KNOW IT, TOO!

Try this for the next 60 seconds. Instead of thinking how to get (some, any, lots of) money, ask yourself the question, “How do I get EVEN MORE money?”

This also works for, “How do I become EVEN MORE productive?” – “How do I get to experience EVEN MORE happiness?” – “How do I get EVEN MORE love?”

But today, right now, let’s ask:

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Enjoying ALL Prosperity

Monday, May 12, 2008

When you see a really expensive car, a house, a yacht, a sumptious office building, a great estate or other manifestations of prosperity, how do you respond?

Folk who are bitter and negative about OTHER PEOPLE’S wealth virtually never attain it, and even if they do, they don’t enjoy it.

So today’s 60 second wealth exercise is to remember that whenever you see ANY wealth objects and symbols, to make an effort to be POSITIVE and CONGRATULATE their owners.

“Well done! Great yacht! I’ll have one just like it one day!” or thoughts and words to that effect.

This tells our minds just what we want from life and WHERE WE WANT TO BE.

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Call Inspiring People Into Your Life!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Who are YOUR heroes? Your role models?
Who do you want to “grow up to be like”?

Think of one particular person who you are really inspired by at this time.
Someone who has overcome your starting difficulties and has really made it work. Someone you sincerely admire and wish to emulate.

Say their name out aloud, right now.

Imagine they are here with you in this space and take 60 seconds to tell them why you admire them, why you want to be like them, and THANK THEM for their gift of inspiration, wisdom, energy, encouragement they have given you just by virtue of being who they are.

Say, “Thank you, ________________”, and let it go.

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Fun With Work!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

“Life without fun is like a dead flounder.”

No matter what you’re doing, no matter what you’re into, today, remember a time when you really, REALLY enjoyed your work.

When you were excited, motivated, inspired and you knew COMPLETELY why you were doing what you were doing.

When you had a really GOOD TIME at work, with work, and through work.
Remember what that was, and make a decision to DO MORE OF THAT.

Work is a big part of our lives, and if it isn’t fun, or it isn’t exciting, we are wasting the most precious commodity we have!

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A Simple Money Spell

Friday, May 09, 2008

Now you might laugh, but this is GREAT FUN and it reaches the parts of us that you just can’t get to with balance sheets and suitcases full of paper money.
Be brave, just read it out aloud!

It’s shorter than 60 seconds, so you can loop it and do it more than once. If you clap along and actually ALLOW YOURSELF TO ENJOY THIS, it will be many more times more effective.

You can teach it to your kids if you have any and get them to sing it to you in the car. A marvellous stress buster and a sweet golden ray of happy magic:

Money in my pockets,
And money in my hand,
Money in my home,
And money in the bank.
Money streams towards me
Like the river to the sea
Its easy and its magical
As counting one, two three …

Aaaand …..

There’s money in my pocket …☺

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Your Dream House

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I *know* that you have an idea of your favourite kind of house that you will buy when you are ready to do so.

Think of it now. Think of it clearly and think of all the BRILLIANT features, luxuries and those many things that please you immensely in it.

Walk through the rooms and discover even more surprises.
Experience it, delight in it and WANT IT TOTALLY!

Well done!

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A Willful Wealth Affirmation

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Affirmations don’t work if you don’t put some power behind them. So that we don’t think we’re just lying when we state something we want but don’t actually have yet, we stick a simple phrase on the end – “This is my will!”

This works with ALL affirmations and makes them user friendly and EFFECTIVE. We’ll have some more in the days to come, but today’s affirmation is:

“Every day,
In every way,
I’m getting wealthier, and wealthier!

Say this out aloud, three times for extra effect – and now, don’t you feel better for that!

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Money Is My Birthright

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Praying for money is neat – and doing this when you’re NOT desperate is the best time, to be sure.

You don’t have to be religious for this, and we don’t need to involve any prophets or saints.

Simply place your hands on the center of your chest, take a deep breath and say out aloud, "I am a part of the infinite creation. Wealth is my BIRTHRIGHT. I reclaim my birthright in every way."

Take another deep breath and let the statement ring out!

Think Money

Monday, May 05, 2008

This is a fun exercise – I always enjoy this.

Alright, so think of some money.
Very good!

Now, think of ALL THE MONEY you personally have ever earned. All of it.
Think about all the money you have ever spent, on anything at all, since first you acquired a coin to do with what you wanted.

Now, think of all the money in your town. Think of all the money being spent and earned and borrowed and traded every single day, just in your town.

Now, think of all the money in your country. Take your time. There are many towns, and cities, and people, from the youngest to the oldest, paper money, electronic money, coins, cheques, credit card slips … yeah, all of that, day and night …

Now, think of all the money in the world. Take your time to get a sense of just how much that is, and WHERE that is, and how it is ALL ABOUT YOU, all the time.

MONEY IS EVERYWHERE. Go get some more!

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Breathe Like A Winner!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

This is a simple exercise but a great state builder you can use at any time.

Sit back.
If you want to, you can close your eyes in a minute.

For just 60 seconds, sit back and breathe like a really, REALLY wealthy and powerful person would, someone who is DELIGHTED with their accomplishments and completely ready for ACTION!


You’re Great!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Complete the following sentences:

(This is MUCH better if you speak your answers out aloud!!)

“I am really good at ….”
“I am also really good at …”
“My friends appreciate me because I am ….”
“What I like best about me is ….”
“I am proud of me because ….”
“I KNOW I’m going to make it because …”

All this is true. Allow yourself a moment to be glad who you are before we get to work.

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How Much Are You Worth?

Friday, May 02, 2008

Take a deep breath …

How much are you WORTH a month?

Here’s a good way to find out.
What are you currently earning per month?
Think of the figure.

Now double it.

Double it again.

Multiply by 10.

Say out aloud, “I am worth …. a month!” THREE TIMES.

Say it with meaning, put your energy into it, and have it be real.


What Can I Do Today?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

For our very first exercise, we just have a simple question.

What one, single, easy thing can I do TODAY – out of all the many things I COULD be doing! – that:

I WANT to do,
… and that …
… will bring the GREATEST rewards in the long run?

Take 60 seconds to reflect on this and then … go and do THAT!

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